Switching hubs from Tz To Reta - Guys - let me know your thoughts?


Aug 4, 2024
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Middle Tennessee
I've done great this year on Tz and have no plans to change course. I'm a 50yo female 55lbs down since May and and was on 5mg until just 2 months ago now at 7.5 mg.

Hubs is 49 started Tz 4 months ago and no significant loss. It hits him hard with energy first couple of days. Diet is clean and gets lots of protein and very active with normal labs and T. He's currently at 7.5mg Tz. Would you take a month or two off of Tz before starting Reta and then micro dose? Or go ahead and start Reta next week?
I’d just stop the tirz and start Reta at a low dose. The tirz will gradually metabolize out and taper off on its own

You could also just add a mg of Reta a week for several weeks and see if that helps and increase it to two if needed and stay on the tirz. Lots of people like that stack
Also as a married dude about his age, if he’s not losing weight I guarantee his diet isn’t as good as you think it is 😂

I’d bet money he’s going out to lunch at work or something. We all do it 😂
Also as a married dude about his age, if he’s not losing weight I guarantee his diet isn’t as good as you think it is 😂

I’d bet money he’s going out to lunch at work or something. We all do it 😂

TY!!!! And he's actually not going out at work. I eat out more than he does. He works from home and I manage our credit card so I see what's on it daily :D.
Tirz half life is 5 days. Each 5 days, the residual is down by half. Takes 30-35 days.
Wait a few days, stack Reta at half the minimum , 1 mg, and climb slowly. I easily cut out a lot of junk because I am not that hungry. 1-2 drinks a week. more fibers. 0 exercise, sit at a desk 12hrs a day, + 2-3 watching TV, and lost 40 lbs in 6 months. Is your husband only doing it for moral support, to you? Without any diet change, tirz burns 350 calories per day. That's 3 lbs each 10 days. But is possible he is one of the rare candidate where his system just metabolize Tirz with no effect. If so, may be get off Tirz slowly, and stack other GLP's. I added Cagri this week, to my Tirz. Planning to switch to Reta in 3-4 months, depending on my next stall.
But is possible he is one of the rare candidate where his system just metabolize Tirz with no effect. If so, may be get off Tirz slowly, and stack other GLP's.
TY!! l'm wondering if this is it for him. My husband is a creature of habit :). His standard breakfast is a Jocko protein shake (blended in fair life milk) and a Perfect bar. He does enjoy a coffee in the morning with a couple tbsp ceramer (doesn't add extra sugar). Lunch is generally a protein (lunch meat), olives, hard cheese and a few ritz crackers and peanut butter. At night protein (pork chop, taco meat, fish, or kiolobasa smoked sausage, ribeye) with a carb and green veggie (I measure at night since I'm home). He's not a rice person or bread person. This usually works out to around 1600-1800 calories for him. But after dinner he is usually still hungry (when I can barely eat all of mine and have to prioritize eating the protein first) and wants more so he will add a TooGood Greek Yogurt topped with honey and some dried berries. He wants to drop 30 lbs and probably could drop 40 to get to 180 (he's 6'). He's a mechanic on his feet 6-8 hours on days he's in the shop. Maybe he's not eating enough?
Agree with the diet not being as clean as you think. And don't be silly and think an adult male couldn't hide food purchases from you lol.

Personally, I'd bump the tirz up before switching. 7.5mg is the lowest therapeutic dose from the studies as far as I'm aware, 2.5mg and 5mg are seen as loading doses to mitigate side effects. I'm not really sure why so many are afraid of the higher tirz doses. I think way too many people dip from it way too early honestly.
LOL That was my part of M/O (why I was over 200 lbs ). But not his.
I mean hiding shit from my wife is like my #1 past time

“What? No I’ve always had that I totally didn’t buy this”


What do you mean there’s 20 kits of peptides in the freezer? Most of those are empty vials I save for later
Have you calculated his basal metabolic rate using one of the online calculators? For example, at my height, light activity, and current weight my bmr is only 1,865 calories per day. I am losing weight on 1,200 calories per day. Obviously, if you are not in a calorie deficit you aren't going to lose.
The other thing that caught my attention is that he is still hungry! That should not be happening if he was at a therapeutic level on Tirz. I recently had to titrate down from 15mg because the appetite suppression was so strong I had to force myself to eat my calories. He should not be hungry.
From my personal experience (not a doctor) he needs to titrate up until he feels the appetite suppression and then he needs to cut back on the calories to be in a deficit.
This thread has given me some inspiration. My hb gave up on tirz because it left him so exhausted. He also had a really upset stomach a lot of the time.

He's ready to restart tirz for all the reasons you'd imagine. Maybe I should just get some reta and try that for him...

Thanks for any guidance.
“What? No I’ve always had that I totally didn’t buy this”


What do you mean there’s 20 kits of peptides in the freezer? Most of those are empty vials I save for later

LOL thankful my hubs fully supports my (and now ours) peptide habit!
Have you calculated his basal metabolic rate using one of the online calculators? For example, at my height, light activity, and current weight my bmr is only 1,865 calories per day. I am losing weight on 1,200 calories per day. Obviously, if you are not in a calorie deficit you aren't going to lose.
The other thing that caught my attention is that he is still hungry! That should not be happening if he was at a therapeutic level on Tirz. I recently had to titrate down from 15mg because the appetite suppression was so strong I had to force myself to eat my calories. He should not be hungry.
From my personal experience (not a doctor) he needs to titrate up until he feels the appetite suppression and then he needs to cut back on the calories to be in a deficit.

TY!! We looked at that last night actually. His BMR is actually calculating around 2500 since he's very active 4-5 days of the week. So thinking maybe add a bit more protein for him too.
I've done great this year on Tz and have no plans to change course. I'm a 50yo female 55lbs down since May and and was on 5mg until just 2 months ago now at 7.5 mg.

Hubs is 49 started Tz 4 months ago and no significant loss. It hits him hard with energy first couple of days. Diet is clean and gets lots of protein and very active with normal labs and T. He's currently at 7.5mg Tz. Would you take a month or two off of Tz before starting Reta and then micro dose? Or go ahead and start Reta next week?
Has he mentioned whether Tirz had impacted his appetite and food noise? I’ve had the lethargy from Tirz and recently reduced it whilst adding Reta.

Two ideas:
- Maybe smaller/ frequent doses, like 5mg every 5 days, or 4mg twice per week?
- Or reduce Tirz to 4-5mg once weekly and add in 1mg Reta twice weekly?

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