Recent content by Captconundrum

  1. C

    Cagri finally (I think!)

    Yes that makes a lot of sense thank you!
  2. C

    Cagri finally (I think!)

    Now 2 days after my T6mg/5day and 1 day after Cagri 0.75mg third dose in the first week (1.1mg total week one out of the gate) finally I (think) I am feeling the cumulative effect of C + T suppression. Basically standard 3rd day T suppression but amped up, effectively mimicking my first ever...
  3. C

    Hello from Florida! - Newbie first order is in hand (Nervous/Skeptical)

    Think it is also worth noting these GLP1s are intrinsically not dangerous substances. Perhaps some of the edge peptides are risky, and bodybuilding stuff has been abused, but the mainstream GLP1s we all deal with are pretty reliable, not gonna put you in a coma or anything, maybe extra burping...
  4. C

    Cagri (still) nothing, in fact the opposite ???

    So far I have done 0.2mg last Monday then 3 days later another 0.3mg then about 8 hrs ago 0.75mg (I did not dare go straight to 1mg week 2 on this). In between I did my T6mg/5day. With C's longer half life I should by now be allergic to food, but weirdly the opposite is true. The net effect...
  5. C

    Cagri nothing (!)

    That could be a real option. Hadn’t even considered that as I was already ‘upgraded’ to T but let’s see for another couple of weeks, your suggestion might make a lot of sense!
  6. C

    Cagri nothing (!)

    You guys seem to know a thing or two about a thing or two so here goes. T7.5 moving to T9/5 days. Wanted more suppression so added Cagri last week, tested out ph4.5 so all fine. Problem? Nothing, save for a little fatigue. Did 0.25 then another 0,15 midweek, still nothing. Dr GPT suggested...
  7. C

    Recommended supplier

    Nexaph is for my money & peace of mind the best. Never been let down. But extra $ but seriously worth it IMO. To the pt where I’m not sure I’d buy from anywhere else.