Recent content by mlke6

  1. M

    Alright, let’s talk poop

    I like to use it once or twice a week. Normally the night before an off day that I don't plan on being out and about. I don't like to poo but the mag07 poos are very nice!
  2. M

    Cautionary Tale

    How are you feeling after this? hows the relationship between you and the other person now?
  3. M

    3d printed vacuum jar vial insert: cool

    yeffo has a pretty neat barbasol vinyl decal for hydropeak
  4. M

    I miss the nausea

    same with people who need blood pressure meds? Insulin?
  5. M


    did you go new or used?
  6. M

    Hit goal, now what?

    why not just stay where you are? Still Dropping?
  7. M

    Will anything ever bring the early magic back?

    I'm at a good weight to be goal weight now. I have noticed the same for the past maybe two months. I am starting to crave sugar like before. I get hungry and start thinking about food out of nowhere. I am eating more, more often but it seems like I still get full where before I never did. I...
  8. M

    My Favorite Reta Supplier

    how does shorting the bac increase the mg of reta? I think I misunderstood.
  9. M

    My freezer list... what's next?

    3 years at current dose or the suggested clinical max dose
  10. M

    Are you guys buying BAC every month?

    seems like all of this is kinda playing games. ordering a powder from China and shooting up.
  11. M

    Are you guys buying BAC every month?

    You buy a case from medex. add some needles for free shippings
  12. M

    How to avoid postprandial fat accumulation

    what kind of job is that?
  13. M

    Anyone order from QSC in Dec? Help?

    do not contact this person
  14. M

    Triz from QSC not working

    going by just "feels" the longer I am on glp1's I notice different foods can affect my hunger feelings for the day. Usually corn syrup items. I still get full faster but its different from months ago when I started.