Recent content by Peloma

  1. Peloma

    Recommended supplier

    Check the website.
  2. Peloma

    Recommended supplier

    I chose Cc, but there are other options. I can't recommend one over another, but CC is easiest for me.
  3. Peloma

    Recommended supplier

    I just got a package from Nexaph. That's 3 days, and the packaging was top notch. There are benefits from ordering from a supplier with a US warehouse. Also, I emailed the anonymous email that sent the updates out of excitement and just seeing if anyone read that mailbox, and Cain responded...
  4. Peloma

    Patients scramble as cheaper obesity drug alternatives disappear

    That's how we do in the Carolinas! Gotta help when and where we can because sometimes we are the ones in need.
  5. Peloma

    Tirz or reta

    Same. I didn't find this site until after I ran out of 1 month of name brand Tirz and single vial purchase from a US reseller. Thank God I only paid for the vial once.
  6. Peloma

    Shot location...

    I have been alternating locations on my abdomen, but I just saw someone say that just pinning in your stomach will limit the effects of Tirz. He said you need to include the thighs and arms, or else you're more likely to plateau... BS, or science?
  7. Peloma

    Booster 4 days later

    I'm not anymore. I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear. You have to start somewhere, right?
  8. Peloma

    Booster 4 days later

    Week 6, 10mg/ml is pretty standard for the first vial from compounding pharmacies, I've noticed.
  9. Peloma

    Booster 4 days later

    I didn't even notice I omitted the Tirz. I meant to write 20cc of the compounded vial.
  10. Peloma

    Recommended supplier

    They actually have a website. Google their name and peptides.
  11. Peloma

    Recommended supplier

    I am not plugging, but can say that I ordered from Nexaph on the 25th and it is on the UPS truck on its way to my house with an arrival date of tomorrow. Several folks have been satisfied with them, and their testing appears to be up to date. I say this to let you know that folks here have...
  12. Peloma

    Addiction to incretin mimetics

    I'm surprised this topic hasn't come up more often. I came looking for answers in here, and found more rabbit holes. One common trend I am seeing among grey market "believers" is that many have come from negative addictions in our pasts. Many of us can see and recognize these patterns. I too...
  13. Peloma

    Booster 4 days later

    Useful. Thank you.
  14. Peloma

    Tirz or reta

    Mounjaro at 2.5, then compounded Tirz.
  15. Peloma

    Booster 4 days later

    Whoops... i was walking and typing. Thanks for pointing it out. You answered my question, somewhat. I just want to avoid ramping up if I can help it. Maybe the route you've suggested is what I will explore.