Search results

  1. Peloma

    Recommended supplier

    Check the website.
  2. Peloma

    Recommended supplier

    I chose Cc, but there are other options. I can't recommend one over another, but CC is easiest for me.
  3. Peloma

    Recommended supplier

    I just got a package from Nexaph. That's 3 days, and the packaging was top notch. There are benefits from ordering from a supplier with a US warehouse. Also, I emailed the anonymous email that sent the updates out of excitement and just seeing if anyone read that mailbox, and Cain responded...
  4. Peloma

    Patients scramble as cheaper obesity drug alternatives disappear

    That's how we do in the Carolinas! Gotta help when and where we can because sometimes we are the ones in need.
  5. Peloma

    Tirz or reta

    Same. I didn't find this site until after I ran out of 1 month of name brand Tirz and single vial purchase from a US reseller. Thank God I only paid for the vial once.
  6. Peloma

    Shot location...

    I have been alternating locations on my abdomen, but I just saw someone say that just pinning in your stomach will limit the effects of Tirz. He said you need to include the thighs and arms, or else you're more likely to plateau... BS, or science?
  7. Peloma

    Booster 4 days later

    I'm not anymore. I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear. You have to start somewhere, right?
  8. Peloma

    Booster 4 days later

    Week 6, 10mg/ml is pretty standard for the first vial from compounding pharmacies, I've noticed.
  9. Peloma

    Booster 4 days later

    I didn't even notice I omitted the Tirz. I meant to write 20cc of the compounded vial.
  10. Peloma

    Recommended supplier

    They actually have a website. Google their name and peptides.
  11. Peloma

    Recommended supplier

    I am not plugging, but can say that I ordered from Nexaph on the 25th and it is on the UPS truck on its way to my house with an arrival date of tomorrow. Several folks have been satisfied with them, and their testing appears to be up to date. I say this to let you know that folks here have...
  12. Peloma

    Addiction to incretin mimetics

    I'm surprised this topic hasn't come up more often. I came looking for answers in here, and found more rabbit holes. One common trend I am seeing among grey market "believers" is that many have come from negative addictions in our pasts. Many of us can see and recognize these patterns. I too...
  13. Peloma

    Booster 4 days later

    Useful. Thank you.
  14. Peloma

    Tirz or reta

    Mounjaro at 2.5, then compounded Tirz.
  15. Peloma

    Booster 4 days later

    Whoops... i was walking and typing. Thanks for pointing it out. You answered my question, somewhat. I just want to avoid ramping up if I can help it. Maybe the route you've suggested is what I will explore.
  16. Peloma

    Tirz or reta

    The burps were bad for me the first two weeks, but that was mostly my diet adjustment. Greasy food, fried anything, eggs, and beer did it to me. Have you reduced these things? Diet can greatly impact the burps. I have to admit, the medication felt stronger when I got them. When I increased...
  17. Peloma

    Booster 4 days later

    I have a vial from a compounding pharmacy that just seems weak. I pinned Sat, then pinned 2mg yesterday (same vial) because the food noise crept up hard. I'm good now. Does this mean I need to T up, or is a 2 unit boost 4 days later a good idea? I have a new raw vial waiting in the wings for...
  18. Peloma

    WARNING: Beware of SRY – Don’t Get Ripped Off!

    My coke dealer always gave the best customer service, which is why he could charge more... It was a much less effective weight loss program, though, and costs wayyyy more...
  19. Peloma

    Patients scramble as cheaper obesity drug alternatives disappear

    Well said. I would add that with a large population you would also increase the likelihood of patients with additional risk factors beyond the typical or "standard" pinner. These folks probably shouldn't have started this series of injections to begin with, but did and suffered; thus adding to...
  20. Peloma

    Young People Lose More Weight on GLP-1 Drugs

    Just like weed...
  21. Peloma

    Young People Lose More Weight on GLP-1 Drugs

    The age groups are 45, 55 and 65. I don't know that the study dives into what society considers "young." My 47yo ass is feeling good since I'm a youngster... LOL
  22. Peloma

    Is compound Tirezepatide weaker than retail ZepBound?

    I know it's an old thread, but do you have the permalink somewhere else? Can't find it, and I think this is good info I'd like to read.
  23. Peloma

    Anyone else experiencing Allodynia (skin sensitivity) while on Tirzepatide? Please share your experiences?

    I have been feeling something like that on the top of my scalp. Like a sunburn, itchy and tender.
  24. Peloma

    Types of sources (domestic, overseas, and everything in between)

    I just ordered from Nexaf, and I feel like a fool for not having found them before Tydes (though Tydes took care of me, so can't complain).
  25. Peloma

    Completely New looking for real information

    Is there a way to get that kind of pricing (or similar) with an option for CC payments? Most want crypto or bank wire. I get a bit nervous making those payments, even though these aren't huge $ amounts.
  26. Peloma

    Types of sources (domestic, overseas, and everything in between)

    Any examples of "smart shops" without weighing in on preference?
  27. Peloma

    Tydes Research in Charlotte

    Thank you!
  28. Peloma

    I took a chance with LSPL

    Guess I fucked up, then... LOL
  29. Peloma

    Tydes Research in Charlotte

    Thank you! I will probably start purchasing larger quantities soon, so I will absolutely keep looking for the best options. You're right about how I did my comparison. I just thought it was better than what I had paid before.
  30. Peloma

    Tydes Research in Charlotte

    Hi, folks. There isn't much to read about Tydes Research, and I just got a T30 vial for when my research runs out of the Remedy Meds compounded vial. Do they have a rep on the forum? Am I destined for disappointment in this leg of my research? Have any of you had good/bad experiences? I honestly...
  31. Peloma

    "New" users are in moderation for now

    This may be a while for me. I'm a man of few words...
  32. Peloma

    Glad to have found you

    I feel like I have gotten so much good info for my research from this group that I thought it was time I joined. I appreciate the guidance. I started out on a 2.5 Mounjaro prescription, then switched to a compounding pharmacy (Remedy Meds), and now I felt comfortable enough to order from Tydes...