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  1. R

    Let's talk GLP1's downfall - MUSCLE LOSS

    Skinny guy with lots of extra skin here lol
  2. R

    Let's talk GLP1's downfall - MUSCLE LOSS

    Yeah, that’s called the quarter ffm rule….. so you did perfect….
  3. R

    Let's talk GLP1's downfall - MUSCLE LOSS

    Yeah, I was thinking about getting a DEXA scan to see how much fat I have…. I was gonna lift weights for six months then have it done
  4. R

    Let's talk GLP1's downfall - MUSCLE LOSS

    I lost 100 lbs in a little under 6 months and now down 142 lbs in 9 months … was 352 now 210….. lost muscle of course but don’t look like a crack head. Strength and muscle are normal for my weight … I am Not lifting as much weight either I had a size 52 waist ,now wear 34-36 “ …… buying...
  5. R

    Alright, let’s talk poop

    RS has Severe constipation due to weight loss and tirz. Tried everything but RS went back to miralax but to actually work have to take a double dose.
  6. R

    Medicare covers tirzepatide for sleep apnea

    No they had to titrate it up
  7. R

    Medicare covers tirzepatide for sleep apnea Here it said 10 mg or 15 mg in trials
  8. R

    Medicare covers tirzepatide for sleep apnea

    Once my RS was down 40 lbs sleep apnea completely resolved …. RS had it dx 15 years at a much lower weight. …….. felt like tongue size is about half of what is was…….RS went from 352 to 218 in 8 months ……. Fingers shrinked so much Ring now down 5 sizes , less than ring size at 185 lbs when in...
  9. R

    Medicare covers tirzepatide for sleep apnea

    Would probably just be the standard 2.5 to 15 mg dosing titrated to patient response .
  10. R

    Medicare covers tirzepatide for sleep apnea
  11. R

    FDA Registered Manufacturers of Tirz API

    I have heard similar from the middle men….. I really think it was to justify a higher price .…what would be the difference between the two? Maybe the lower grade failed purity testing or was a failed production run? Or maybe it is older…… I could never get a straight answer from the reseller.
  12. R

    FDA Registered Manufacturers of Tirz API

    I tried one company and they wanted a pharmacy only. Even as an NP…..
  13. R

    Company selling "grey" instead of compound on Reddit. $60 for a vial of 10mg or 3 10mg vials for $140.

    I am in middle Tennessee south of Nashville . We were lucky , house was on high land . Sold my house and left three months after Katrina , didn’t wanna raise a family in a disaster area.
  14. R

    Company selling "grey" instead of compound on Reddit. $60 for a vial of 10mg or 3 10mg vials for $140.

    It difficult. I love living near the water, the seafood and culture ……… but I have 6 kids in Tennessee with a better job market….
  15. R

    Company selling "grey" instead of compound on Reddit. $60 for a vial of 10mg or 3 10mg vials for $140.

    I moved to Tennessee after Katrina destroyed the Mississippi gulf coast. It was crazy just been moved back to hometown starting a family after military and college ……. It was horrible …… 26 miles of coastline most of it destroyed 1/2 mile - 1 mile inland…. Some places hit with a 28-32 foot...
  16. R

    Company selling "grey" instead of compound on Reddit. $60 for a vial of 10mg or 3 10mg vials for $140.

    I grew up on the Mississippi Gulf Coast I remember seeing them as well. Especially at the Barrier Islands… unfortunately Hurricane Katrina, the BP oil spill and freshwater from the Louisiana spillway killed much of our marine life close to shore ….
  17. R

    Company selling "grey" instead of compound on Reddit. $60 for a vial of 10mg or 3 10mg vials for $140.

    Nope I was wrong they have a synthetic test now FUJIFILM Wako PYROSTAR… still $ 300 a test
  18. R

    Company selling "grey" instead of compound on Reddit. $60 for a vial of 10mg or 3 10mg vials for $140.

    The synthetic test was just approved this year in July in the US. Will see if it ends the practice of blood letting the crabs…. I think it becomes a USP law until next year though.
  19. R

    Company selling "grey" instead of compound on Reddit. $60 for a vial of 10mg or 3 10mg vials for $140.

    Yeah for the endotoxin test. That is why they are so expensive….: crazy I know
  20. R

    Does anyone know where to buy antibiotics?

    Tell them to send off a throat culture next time … or tell them you are worried about the recent outbreaks of fusobacterium necrophorum…… Some folks go to tractor supply and use the penicillin G shots but those are for animal use only and easy to overdose on
  21. R

    What do you consider a stall in your weight loss journey?

    Good advice above. I trend it monthly… I track every calorie on MyFitnessPal…. Started mid- April 2024 at 352 lbs with a 1200 calorie diet ….now I am 222 lbs. I would have 1-2 week periods with no weight loss….. mainly due to constipation. That has gotten better at lower body weights...
  22. R

    Company selling "grey" instead of compound on Reddit. $60 for a vial of 10mg or 3 10mg vials for $140.

    “Raw” peptides like tirzepatide are a near pure API and are Lyophilized Compounding pharmacies buy bulk raw API peptides from China. For example southend in Texas uses this company see COA pic from their website …FDA registered …. huge company, partly owned by a German company… The rep only...
  23. R

    Does anyone buy "raw powder"?

    True it proves the potency of the target peptide only ….. you will never know what impurities are in it……. Or endotoxin contaminants without much more expensive testing.
  24. R

    Does anyone buy "raw powder"?

    Yeah they are wrong. I have contacted manufacturers as well. Some fda approved too. The compounded pharmacies buy raw tirzepatide and semaglutide Interesting that my “raw tirz “ tested 99.8 percent potency ……
  25. R

    Does anyone buy "raw powder"?

    Disproven ? Nope. Some folks just don’t know the process and what actually occurs with lyophilization. Many think raw means the raw product to produce the peptides. It is a raw unsterile API….. How are compounded meds sold in a solution like tirzepatide made then? The vialed ones in cake...
  26. R

    Does anyone buy "raw powder"?

    No reason for all that . Compounded tirz that is sold in a solution is “raw tirz “ pure unsterile API mixed with a solution like b12 or bacteriostatic water/saline… filtered and tested for sterility, endotoxins , and potency …….
  27. R

    Does anyone buy "raw powder"?

    I have bought “raw” tirzepatide for an experiment . It tested 99.8 percent pure. I used a cheap scale and vialed it. I measured it with a cheap scale to 53 mg ….. so at the lab it weighed 55.78mg of powder, of which 51.64mg was Tirzepatide … so I was 2.78 mg off total weight ….. Resellers...
  28. R

    Well, fuck peptide test

    They aren’t hard to find. I buy mine from newstar via Alibaba for like $67 for a 100 filters… 37 dollar for the filters the rest shipping
  29. R


    I thought it was funny he called it gliptide… an actual Gerd/ ulcer med…. Sounded too close to “roll tide” for my liking.
  30. R

    Black Market Weight Loss Drug Bust

    Not sure why you mentioned Sry specifically though. I didn’t
  31. R

    Black Market Weight Loss Drug Bust

    I read it when it came out along with the precursor arrest. China suppling the cartels with precursors for illegal drug manufacturing is old news though.
  32. R

    Black Market Weight Loss Drug Bust

    Sry was indicted for money laundering and importation of protonitazene. More potent than fentanyl. Developed in the 1950’s it was never used due to severe side effects and its tendency to unalive folks. It became popular in 2019 when China banned fentanyl…..
  33. R

    Black Market Weight Loss Drug Bust

    China is the world’s largest producer of precursor chemicals for fentanyl and meth. They supply the Mexican gangs well. China . use to make a significant amount of fentanyl but China banned fentanyl production in 2019. So they just switched to selling precursor chemicals.
  34. R

    Black Market Weight Loss Drug Bust

    Yup….. waiting for the companies to mention that some of them Might be tainted with fentanyl precursors , which is a lie but that is why you say “may”………I wonder if the vials at the weight loss clinic have the research warning?
  35. R

    Black Market Weight Loss Drug Bust

    Yes, true she violated FDA laws but also shipped them out of state to sell them wasn’t very bright either …..
  36. R

    Black Market Weight Loss Drug Bust

    You gotta throw all those charges against the wall and see which ones stick
  37. R

    Black Market Weight Loss Drug Bust

    We consider this a violent crime…..omg…..she also shipped them out of Tennessee which would make it a federal crime if the Feds want to get involved ….. not smart. Did the Medspa’s get an extra special COA? Lol
  38. R

    Black Market Weight Loss Drug Bust

    Thanks for sharing I live in Tennessee. But I’m a licensed professional.Lol
  39. R

    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    Bromelain is an enzyme that is broke down rapidly by the stomach acid when ingesting it. Makes it safe to eat.Pineapple does cause the roof of mouth to get irritated though……..
  40. R

    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    Yeah I know he was researching injectable fat burners. Thought he was drinking something to ….. hole in stomach was thinking ulcer. Unless he meant a hole in abdomen ….