Search results

  1. dionysos

    The Pig Butchering Invasion Has Begun

    They are the slaughterhouse and WE are the swine. "Pig Butchering" is the charming name the Chinese originated in their sales and marketing companies. They think it great sport. Scan through this article and see if you recognize the technique used by a vendor or two registered in this...
  2. dionysos

    Sterile Peptides

    Opinions Abound Regarding Peptide Sterility What's Your Thinking On The Subject? The Boy In The Bubble - 1976 starring John Travolta • What is sterility testing really worth to you? • Should we be content with an endotoxin PASS/FAIL test? • Do we really need to test for Heavy Metals in our...
  3. dionysos

    Peptides vs Testosterone vs ?

    How are YOU coping with muscle loss? Have you effectively countered it all along and don't need to worry? Is there a peptide, hormone, secretagogue or SARMS protocol that's effective for you? Many forum members have progressed in their weight loss journey to Maintenance or near it. I'm...
  4. dionysos

    Is NEXAPH FIRST with Hyperlinked Kits?
  5. dionysos

    Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

    I've just received my kit of 12mg Retatrutide from Shanghai Nexa Pharmaceuticals. Ordered Monday morning at 8:19am and delivered in 3 days and 4 hours from their US depot. EXCELLENT packaging and the KIT LABEL COMPLETE WITH JANO COA HYPERLINK ! Use your phone camera on the jpg - it WORKS...
  6. dionysos

    Grats GoreandGlitter!

    I want everyone to know how grateful I am to Goreandglitter ! She’s my Muse and provided the inspiration for my new theme song. 🎶 He’s the in sti gaa tor, the insti gaaa tor! … to the tune of Smooth Operator obvs 😎
  7. dionysos

    Do These Glasses Make Me Look Fat?

    Do These Glasses Make Me Look Fat? What About These? 72yo Male HW270 SW256 CW192 GW179
  8. dionysos

    Tirzepatide Yields Greater Weight Loss In Women Than Men

    With TIRZ Females Lose One-Third More Weight Than Males I find this fascinating and want to share it with you - no login needed. Dionysos Women tended to reap greater weight loss from tirzepatide (Zepbound), a subgroup analysis of the SURMOUNT trials found. Across all studies and doses...
  9. dionysos

    Tweeker Poll

    How Many Peptides Per Tweeker Here 7 Is My Number And I Am NOT Ashamed I Know I Can Stop At Any Time Really, anytime... I Can. I really, really MEAN IT !
  10. dionysos

    Stranded Peptides!

    If you’ve read my GLP1 Grand Tour post you will understand why I am scaling back my hoard reserve stock of peptides. Me stalling out on any new GLP1 is certain as sunrise 🫤 Accordingly, I am ‘building-down’ my stock by splitting Group Buys. I also am selling the very recent purchases of...
  11. dionysos

    3 GLOW Peptide Tweekers Walk Into a Bar...

    ... and the bartender asks "Why the Long FACES?" "Cause we been usin' GLP1s and don't have CHUBBY CHEEKS anymore" they replied. BA-dump TISSSS I'm here all week Ladies and Germs! I'm starting to use GLOW peptides BPC-157, GHK-Cu, and TB-500 tomorrow. Can someone provide the Recommended Daily...
  12. dionysos


    Sales Celebrate RED WHITE and BLUE Day US and CN Sellers Will Work While We Play Numerous online peptide vendors will have a busy few days stimulated by their price reductions. In the US Skype Peptides is offering a 15% Price Reduction now through Labor Day when you spend $200 or more and...
  13. dionysos

    OPINION and DISCUSSION regarding Eli Lily's Recent ZEPBOUND Single-Dose Vial Announcement

    Shared from another platform for your consideration and your comments... " Only up to 5mg. Then you need to switch to pens. Seems like they want patients to try it. They try to get you to go to pens. " comment by Reddit user...
  14. dionysos


    Brand Name TIRZ From Reputable Source Avoid Sketchy US and China Vendors Eli Lily Announces Tirzeptide Can Be Purchased In Single Dose Vials Consumers willing to self-inject can now source Tirzepatide at lower cost and directly from pharma giant Eli Lily. The medication packaging deletes the...
  15. dionysos

    GLP1 GRAND TOUR: Current RETA Experience

    I appear to be on Grand Tour of the GLP1 Peptide family. Having successfully begun with insured Wegovy (11 months) and continued with research Semaglutide, I transitioned to Tirzepatide then stacked Tirzepatide/Retatrutide which has now become a trial of small doses of Cagrilintide stacked upon...
  16. dionysos

    Too Much Skin - Send Help!

    TOO MUCH SKIN! And It ISN'T because I shave my head! Successful GLP1 therapy has me within 13 pounds of "Normal Weight" There is nothing "normal" about the excess skin at my waist and on my thighs though. The "crepe-y" look on my forearms has got to go as well! I've learned a little about...
  17. dionysos

    Aminos Research Rises Again

    Peptide Vendor Aminos Research Returns Fans of the popular GLP1 peptide supplier relieved Restocked and ready for business the Quality-Forward retail supplier of research drugs re-opened their online doors Monday. LEANER - NOT MEANER Thinner product offerings characterize the restored website...
  18. dionysos

    Show Your Peptide Cases

    Friday is NEW CASE DAY! Show your vial cases! My Black and Gold Case is too subtle right?
  19. dionysos

    Hospira BAC water availability

    Top Vendors Say No To Chinese Made Recon Solutions - UPDATED 18 AUGUST Pfizers HOSPIRA Brand Bacteriostatic is disappearing from peptide vendor sites. It seems legal pressures have caused this industry-leading product to rapidly become scarce. In the past three days several popular US sources...
  20. dionysos


  21. dionysos

    NEWS - GROUP BUY EVENT Angel Shanghai Chemical

    GROUP BUY EVENT ANNOUNCED ANGEL SHANGHAI CHEMICAL SHOWS MAJOR BENEFITS Angel Shanghai Chemical today announced their FIRST GROUP BUY. MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS to the typical Group Buy process promised. Details in the Angel Shanghai announcement now available in the Vendor Connection Form BEGINS...
  22. dionysos

    NEWS - Aminos Research Return Imminent

  23. dionysos


    RECENT QSC PEPTIDE BATCH COAs SHOW LOW PURITY LEVELS While it is not yet known if these product batches are dangerous, they certainly indicate poor control of the manufacturing process, and a lack of due care in presenting them for purchase. United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and National...
  24. dionysos

    NEWS - Amopeptide Re-Emerges After TirzWreck - UPDATED*

    Renamed After Hiatus UPDATED* Less Polished After Name Change And With Narrower Product Line Whatever happened to the dynamic new vendor a month ago didn't kill it. It sure did diminish it however. In this iteration the website visuals are not as shiny, and, the product line has been...
  25. dionysos

    AmoPure Emerges From AmoPeptide Tirzwreck UPDATED*

    Renamed After Hiatus UPDATED* Less Polished After Name Change And With Narrower Product Line Whatever happened to the dynamic new vendor a month ago didn't kill it. It sure did diminish it however. In this iteration the website visuals are not as shiny, and, the product line has been...
  26. dionysos


    US vendor Skye Peptides Celebrates their Birthday by reducing all their product prices by 20%. Use code “skyeone” when you checkout!!! Using this code means you can buy 10mg of Semaglutide for $95 per vial, 10mg of Retatrutide for $103, and, 10mg of "the peptide that must not be named" for $84...
  27. dionysos

    NEW US Retail Peptide Vendor

    This week will see the opening of a new 'retail' peptide vendor - TYDES Research . Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, the new venture is Quality-oriented with several features common to the best US vendors. GLP1 peptides are featured including research Semaglutide, Retatrutide, and somewhat...
  28. dionysos

    Is Cagrilintide Part Of Your Research Protocol

    The Cagri-Sema Phase Two trials have stirred a lot of interest. Are you using Cagri in your research? Do you plan to? You can read the study as published in The Lancet Here:
  29. dionysos

    Will Cagri-Sema Be The New Hotness?

    Are we wasting our time with Tirzepatide and Retatrutide? Express your opinions please! CagriSema Phase Three Studies are in progress right now. A Phase Two Study showed the amazing CagriSema results I've quoted here: "a fixed-dose combination therapy of 2.4mg semaglutide with 2.4mg...
  30. dionysos

    Which Vendors Have You Used ?

    Which peptide vendors have you chosen to use? Choices shown are vendors who are often active here. Used other vendors? Please vote "Other" then post their details. Thanks!!!
  31. dionysos

    Bacteriostatic Water for Noobs, Cheapskates and 10ml enthusiasts...

    Pfizer's HOSPIRA brand is an industry standard for hospital and high-volume clinics who buy it in multi-case lots. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES if you want quality reconstitution with no stinging due to improper pH. Please Do Not Consider Bacteriostatic Water/Reconstitution Solutions from sketchy...
  32. dionysos

    My Split Personality - Waving Bye-bye to AR and Hello to QSC

    There is nothing so common as change, and yesterday my behavior was an example of it. The rapidly increasing drumbeat of Eli Lily's legal assault on compounders and peptide vendors bounced me into action. On the same day I ordered a seven months supply of Semaglutide from Aminos Research, and...
  33. dionysos

    Aminos Research Half Off Sale - Details posted

    Not precisely what everyone here is looking for HOWEVER... Aminos-Research is often the US Quality leader with lowest single-vial Prices. Cutting those usual prices by 50% will be of great interest to some. Note also that they allude to a significant change in the way they market their...
  34. dionysos

    AmoPeptide Products On Sale

    When researching 60mg vials of Tirzepatide I stumbled onto a 25% Off Sale on all products at At less than $1.00 per milligram in 10-vial kits the Tirz it may be of interest to some here. I have purchased Retatrutide from Amo for my...
  35. dionysos

    First QSC US peptide price offers

    What do we think? • 3-5 day delivery, • 10-vial kits, • competitive prices • Janoshik batch COAs My first impression is that I am pleased. On second look I begin to have some concerns. As an example, the Semaglutide 10mg product. Its Janoshik COA seems proper in form but is dated 28 November...
  36. dionysos

    ONE-derland: A Rediscovered Country

    57 pounds lost in 60 weeks using GLP-1s
  37. dionysos

    Retatrutide Purchase from AmoPeptide

    No Guts - No Glory! On 17May I purchased a 10-vial kit of 10mg retatrutide from AmoPeptide in Hong Kong. It shipped on the 18th from China and arrived in Dallas without drama on 23rd of May only 5 days later. It was wrapped in very secure packaging with a bill of lading that described the...
  38. dionysos

    Gratitude for Non-Scale Victories

    When I'm at my best I have a daily practice of openly sharing things I am grateful for. In our peptide context that begins with weight loss of course. For myself I am grateful for so very much more that that. How about you? I'll go first: By using Semaglutide and Tirzepatide to lose 52 pounds...
  39. dionysos

    Peptide Analysis Labs

    I'd like to know what labs people here have used. Please share the deets of who they are, what they cost you, and any clarifying comments you think are useful. Thanks!
  40. dionysos

    Future Peptide Availability

    How concerned are you about weight loss peptides being banned or otherwise unavailable in the near future?