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  1. P

    Bad experience with Amo

    Amo's product will define their success, as it should.
  2. P

    Bad experience with Amo

    I've shared the info in case anyone else has problems. No one needs your coolness approval to get their money back if they're scammed. Hopefully no one else has issues, but the info is out there if they do.
  3. P

    Bad experience with Amo

    I asked for a replacement and offered to pay shipping, which is pretty standard in my experience. For sure. I'm a small time buyer tho, rarely spend more than £260/year. Happy to post it to someone if they want to get it tested. Hopefully I'm an outlier and just had a bad batch but at least...
  4. P

    Bad experience with Amo

    I'm an experienced sema buyer. Previously bought from xce, got screwed over by HT (refunded, thankfully), then ordered from Amo. First Amo order of S10 was perfect. Second order (S10) received in December is garbage. Even doubling the dose there is zero effect. I still had some of my first order...
  5. P

    Retatrutide Purchase from AmoPeptide

    They've moved some sections to approved users only. You need to go through a verification process, I believe.
  6. P

    Any experience with Amopure semaglutide?

    I haven't tested it, but I've had two doses of their sema and it's a thumbs up from me. I was previously a happy customer of xce and then got burned by Henan.
  7. P

    First Week on Semaglutide Update

    I didn't get appetite suppression until 1 mg, so you're doing great. Cheering for you. (y)
  8. P

    AmoPure Emerges From AmoPeptide Tirzwreck UPDATED*

    For UK people: Ordered S10 from Amopure on Aug 11th. Paid via alibaba using paypal. Total cost was £164.11 GBP (inc. delivery). Tracking ID received on Aug 13th Item delivered Aug 16th by Royal Mail. Test subject has been on S10 for over a year and lost circa 100 lbs (BMI 35 down to 21)...
  9. P

    Cora (from Henan Tengmao)

    They uploaded them to alibaba as part of the dispute process. They were obviously fake though. They'd whited out the verification code at the bottom and their company name wasn't even detailed.
  10. P

    Cora (from Henan Tengmao)

    Did you pay via Alibaba? I went through their refund process but it's a complete joke, despite me getting confirmation for Janoshik that HT's tests were fake. Luckily my credit card company has done a chargeback.
  11. P

    Current henan order ineffective

    How high up have you gone up to get it to work? I've doubled it (taking 5 mg when my usual dose is 2.4) and it's still not working.
  12. P

    Current henan order ineffective

    My HT Sema 10 is the exactly the same. I doubled the dose and it's still like water. Went back to some leftover X and it works perfectly. Makes you wonder what is actually in some of their stuff?? 😩
  13. P

    Cora (from Henan Tengmao)

    Why does it matter if they were 'professional' and the shipping was fast if the product is bunk?
  14. P

    New henan tengmao order

    I got the run around from HT ('why don't you trust us???' :rolleyes:). I paid through Alibaba so I've escalated it there. I will go to my credit card company next if I get no joy. I'll update when I hear.
  15. P

    New henan tengmao order

    Thanks for posting the results. My sema from Cora HT is basically water. Currently trying to get a refund. 😩