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  1. T

    I'm baaaaa-aaaaack!

    Welcome back :)
  2. T

    Cheat day?

    I definitely eat what I want (before being on this stuff and also now, although now i am trying to at least get in a reasonable amount of protein and fiber) and toward the end of the week I am having what others might call “cheat days” because more stuff sounds good. So pizza or restaurant or...
  3. T

    Positive side-effects

    I’ve heard that, although my blood glucose has always been good.
  4. T

    Raw veggies

    Beano is the way
  5. T

    Positive side-effects

    I didn’t have an issue with drinking before, but now I just kind of never do. Unfortunately I’m a little sad about it- I’m a little weird sometimes socially and a drink was often…helpful. I hung out with friends at their place where tiki time is an afternoon tradition and I had to force the few...