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  1. T

    I'm switching from tirz 10 mg to sema, need some help

    Yeah, already stopped tirz. I'm choosing sema since it's cheaper.
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    I'm switching from tirz 10 mg to sema, need some help

    I did more than two months, but when i got to 10, it became too much. I lost that in the first two months, later it became slower but side effects increased every time.
  3. T

    I'm switching from tirz 10 mg to sema, need some help

    Hello, i'm switching from tirz to sema since it was too strong for me, i lost 10 kg in two months with exercise and diet (cool), but the vomit, pain and stinky breath was too much. I bought sema 15 mg. 1. How long has anyone kept it in the fridge after reconstitution? I think 30 days (quite...
  4. T

    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    A refund or credit. They could have told me we don't have and we won't restock, so you have to pay more. Instead of we don't have, pay more. It feels like a bad joke in that instant. Do you get how sketchy it was? What would you have done when they don't answer and when you ask for other...
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    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    With all respect. The thing is they didn't! They straight asked for more money.
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    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    They didn't offer more options asides from paying more.
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    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    The very deal to begin with, was not getting the job done. They don't have to be nice. Even I get that. In Mexico all i need is a permit for personal use. Everyone acts like it's buying met o fent
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    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    I have bought simple stuff from china before, i know they are harsh sellers. Not to this extent. I just couldn't find a usa store with tirzepatide.
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    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    I dont need constant WhatsApp. Just that they actually have a good control haha
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    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    None asked for baby sitting. Your lack of control of your actual stock is what makes you unreliable. Do you want a transfer saying those guys sell tirzepatide from china? Or to tip fda? Because that is really bitch behavior. The only solution you provided was paying more. Clearly you don't...
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    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    Minimal order quantity I think. I feel stupid because never buy without using paypal. 1st time; totally scammed lol. I even asked my mom for the money, believe me, it's an amount big enough to pay for rent here. But I recently got diagnosed with insulin resistance (high HOMA-IR) so my mother...
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    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    They agreed to a refund. But I still need to see if it is a full refund. Terrible experience, I lost 20 dollars to nothing but talking to them. Any place where i actually can get tirzepatide?
  13. T

    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    Actually, I would settle for this. Thanks for the idea, I hope they agree. Edit: They can't because of moq. so i asked for a refund.
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    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    I already paid 20 dollars extra. I have to pay another 20 for those 95. It may be cheap in the us, but not here. Especially with the lack of guarantee. They could say they run out of stock and return the money. When I ordered, they had stock. They sold out when I had paid already. I don't even...
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    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    I understand, that's why I ordered from them. But "overselling" is not a good reputation. they already took the money and ask for more with no guarantee. I already feel scammed.
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    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    Hello, I'm new to this. So i tried this vendor that everyone recommends (QSC). I don't live in the us, but i have family and Friends who can receive it and take it to my country (Mexico). I ordered Tirzepatide 5mg from usa warehouse because it wasn't available to be send internationally. I made...