QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

I can also send you a 15mg vial if there is a US address you can PM. As for Tracy, I hope karma doesn't hit and he gets the next Wuhan virus.
I was thinking about exactly the same - karma! ;)

and again for everyone who is thinking "this is the way how its done in China" - no it is not, I deal with Chinese almost everyday and no one has so bad attitude, it is just in these fields where they are dealing with gray market area and mostly US customers, they behave on the level of drug dealers, maybe worse
Unprofessional my ass, said Karen to her drug dealer.
You're probably used to the "sweetheart" & "my dear" and there is clearly a big lack of testosterone here if your feelings are hurt because of my comment.
Or maybe it's me, spending too much time on Meso Rx, that I forgot fragile paypalists kids who believe in Indian karma exist..
Unprofessional my ass, said Karen to her drug dealer.
You're probably used to the "sweetheart" & "my dear" and there is clearly a big lack of testosterone here if your feelings are hurt because of my comment.
Or maybe it's me, spending too much time on Meso Rx, that I forgot fragile paypalists kids who believe in Indian karma exist..
Point taken 😂
I was thinking about exactly the same - karma! ;)

and again for everyone who is thinking "this is the way how its done in China" - no it is not, I deal with Chinese almost everyday and no one has so bad attitude, it is just in these fields where they are dealing with gray market area and mostly US customers, they behave on the level of drug dealers, maybe worse
I'm not convinced he's actually from China. None of the signatures are there with the communication style. And too many western cultural references. The people answering the email and Whatsapp are, but Tracy is paid just to drive clicks from somewhere in a western world experiencing roid rage
Y'all need to chill out a little. Tracy is Tracy and while his "unique" style isn't for everyone, he gets the job done and despite occasional snafus like this situation where an item unexpectedly went out-of-stock in the middle of the ordering process the vast majority of customers get what they pay for and are happy. Shit happens, and while unfortunate and inconvenient most issues get resolved successfully with no drama.

There are a lot of things I don't like about companies like Walmart and Amazon, but I still continue to shop there because ultimately they have what I want at prices I like, and doing business with QSC isn't much different in that sense. Everyone has to make decisions about with whom they do business that are best for their situation and circumstances, and buying from QSC isn't for everyone.

Folks need to remember that they can't approach buying black or gray-market drugs -- whether from China or a random street dealer -- the same way they do buying a toaster from Walmart or Amazon. And regardless of what anyone is buying or who they're buying it from, antagonizing sales reps is almost never going to result in a smooth path to resolving problems; especially when you know the sales rep will very much enjoy antagonizing you back.
Y'all need to chill out a little. Tracy is Tracy and while his "unique" style isn't for everyone, he gets the job done and despite occasional snafus like this situation where an item unexpectedly went out-of-stock in the middle of the ordering process the vast majority of customers get what they pay for and are happy. Shit happens, and while unfortunate and inconvenient most issues get resolved successfully with no drama.

There are a lot of things I don't like about companies like Walmart and Amazon, but I still continue to shop there because ultimately they have what I want at prices I like, and doing business with QSC isn't much different in that sense. Everyone has to make decisions about with whom they do business that are best for their situation and circumstances, and buying from QSC isn't for everyone.

Folks need to remember that they can't approach buying black or gray-market drugs -- whether from China or a random street dealer -- the same way they do buying a toaster from Walmart or Amazon. And regardless of what anyone is buying or who they're buying it from, antagonizing sales reps is almost never going to result in a smooth path to resolving problems; especially when you know the sales rep will very much enjoy antagonizing you back.
You are right. It is better not to engage in this and to just sign them up for every mailing list on the internet. LOL
It actually might help in a way. These types of comments help trim down QSCs customer base to people willing to put up with this company's many many flaws, which in turn, leads to fewer customer service complaints (even when valid as in this case). People that buy from QSC know they need to be prepared to bend over backwards with no Vaseline.

Not defending this at all. I feel for the OP in this case, he deserved better. However I do sometimes think the dickish attitude displayed here is deliberate and part of how QSC does business.

😂 💯 😎 🫶🏻
Y'all need to chill out a little. Tracy is Tracy and while his "unique" style isn't for everyone, he gets the job done and despite occasional snafus like this situation where an item unexpectedly went out-of-stock in the middle of the ordering process the vast majority of customers get what they pay for and are happy. Shit happens, and while unfortunate and inconvenient most issues get resolved successfully with no drama.
I'm not convinced he's actually from China. None of the signatures are there with the communication style. And too many western cultural references. The people answering the email and Whatsapp are, but Tracy is paid just to drive clicks from somewhere in a western world experiencing roid rage
I love a good conspiracy theory! Let's ask Tracy @Qingdao Sigma what he thinks about it haha. Put your bulletproof vests on, folks! 😂 💙
Unprofessional my ass, said Karen to her drug dealer.
You're probably used to the "sweetheart" & "my dear" and there is clearly a big lack of testosterone here if your feelings are hurt because of my comment.
Or maybe it's me, spending too much time on Meso Rx, that I forgot fragile paypalists kids who believe in Indian karma exist..
Keep the good group buys coming and we will tolerate you. For now.


Speaking of, when is the t40, t50 dropping?
While this is all entertaining, and "Tracy" the keyboard warrior has more feelings than they can handle, I think we are losing sight of the fact that they were unable to complete a simple order that they took someones money for. Gray, Black or any other market, there is no excuse for their inability to complete a purchase.
I’m not a QSC customer so no skin in this game, but you’ve never had an online order cancelled because the item went out of stock? That’s happened to me on all kinds of random things, this seems like an isolated incident due to them terminating one of their product lines. It happens. Refund or store credit is what any vendor of any kind would do.
QSC does have a disconnect with what they have in stock... their latest price list still shows 5mg as available from the US warehouse... even though apparently it isn't and won't be.

Having said that, OP did make some mistakes that are costing him in the end (and very likely will cost him some more since I doubt he received the refund just yet - his bank likely gonna hit him for incoming wire).. TBH choosing to get the refund was probably the worst option but hey.. too late now I guess? probably would have been more productive to come to this forum and ask "what should I do.." before pulling the plug.. jmho...
QSC does have a disconnect with what they have in stock... their latest price list still shows 5mg as available from the US warehouse... even though apparently it isn't and won't be.

Having said that, OP did make some mistakes that are costing him in the end (and very likely will cost him some more since I doubt he received the refund just yet - his bank likely gonna hit him for incoming wire).. TBH choosing to get the refund was probably the worst option but hey.. too late now I guess? probably would have been more productive to come to this forum and ask "what should I do.." before pulling the plug.. jmho...
the price lists they have on pepchat are up to date and show sema as crossed out for domestic US
The very deal to begin with, was not getting the job done. They don't have to be nice. Even I get that.
In Mexico all i need is a permit for personal use. Everyone acts like it's buying met o fent

Y'all need to chill out a little. Tracy is Tracy and while his "unique" style isn't for everyone, he gets the job done and despite occasional snafus like this situation where an item unexpectedly went out-of-stock in the middle of the ordering process the vast majority of customers get what they pay for and are happy. Shit happens, and while unfortunate and inconvenient most issues get resolved successfully with no drama.

There are a lot of things I don't like about companies like Walmart and Amazon, but I still continue to shop there because ultimately they have what I want at prices I like, and doing business with QSC isn't much different in that sense. Everyone has to make decisions about with whom they do business that are best for their situation and circumstances, and buying from QSC isn't for everyone.

Folks need to remember that they can't approach buying black or gray-market drugs -- whether from China or a random street dealer -- the same way they do buying a toaster from Walmart or Amazon. And regardless of what anyone is buying or who they're buying it from, antagonizing sales reps is almost never going to result in a smooth path to resolving problems; especially when you know the sales rep will very much enjoy antagonizing you back.
QSC does have a disconnect with what they have in stock... their latest price list still shows 5mg as available from the US warehouse... even though apparently it isn't and won't be.

Having said that, OP did make some mistakes that are costing him in the end (and very likely will cost him some more since I doubt he received the refund just yet - his bank likely gonna hit him for incoming wire).. TBH choosing to get the refund was probably the worst option but hey.. too late now I guess? probably would have been more productive to come to this forum and ask "what should I do.." before pulling the plug.. jmho...
They didn't offer more options asides from paying more.
I’m not a QSC customer so no skin in this game, but you’ve never had an online order cancelled because the item went out of stock? That’s happened to me on all kinds of random things, this seems like an isolated incident due to them terminating one of their product lines. It happens. Refund or store credit is what any vendor of any kind would do.
If I did, they didn't go on to a forum and say I was "bitching" or treat me like a piece of shit. Nobody questioned their business acumen. The problem is their customer service and rhetoric. Your skin is in the game now.
QSC does have a disconnect with what they have in stock... their latest price list still shows 5mg as available from the US warehouse... even though apparently it isn't and won't be.

Having said that, OP did make some mistakes that are costing him in the end (and very likely will cost him some more since I doubt he received the refund just yet - his bank likely gonna hit him for incoming wire).. TBH choosing to get the refund was probably the worst option but hey.. too late now I guess? probably would have been more productive to come to this forum and ask "what should I do.." before pulling the plug.. jmho...
I think a lot of people forget to take into account the delays between an order being "placed", payment, verification, etc., plus the 12-15 hour time difference between China and folks in the Americas. Depending on timing (other countries have weekends and holidays too), for some orders it could possibly take 3-5 days between the order being placed and being confirmed as paid and stock allocated and a lot of things can happen in that time.

I'm also sure there are a lot of orders that get "placed" but never get paid or are paid late because people have trouble with crypto or bank transfer payment, combined with the sheer order volume and the likelihood that they allocate orders for shipment only after being paid and you can see how these things can happen. I'm sure many businesses foreign and domestic don't set aside inventory until orders are paid, so sometimes things get over-sold and it's nobody's fault.

It's important to remember we're not dealing with a gigantic fine-tuned fulfillment and logistics machine like Amazon, and expectations need to be adjusted accordingly. Even for the world's biggest businesses, inventory numbers can often be wrong, and sometimes mistakes just happen. Sure, it can be frustrating and inconvenient, but it's not the end of the world and no reason to get all bent out of shape about it even if you think the rep has been rude or mean to you.

Here QSC offered various resolutions and the customer was unhappy with the options. Personally I try to never let my emotions get in the way of purchases that don't go as planned, but that's me. In the end it all worked out and hopefully it will help others have a smooth experience with QSC or any other Chinese supplier in the future.

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