QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

With all respect. The thing is they didn't! They straight asked for more money.
what was your expectation? to get 10mg for the price of 5 because 5 was out of stock? that may be a reasonable expectation in brick and mortar stores in the US.. but your friendly drug dealer don't roll like that..
With all respect. The thing is they didn't! They straight asked for more money.
Again, that's just "the way" with most of the Chinese suppliers. There are usually more options, but it often requires doing a song and dance to get there (and this isn't unique to UGL's, I deal with it buying plastics and machinery from China frequently). There are big differences between Eastern and Western business practices, and it can take a while to figure things out (kind of like how some cultures won't do business with someone who doesn't try to negotiate first).

Up until the past several months, refunds were never even an option with 99% of the Chinese labs; you either accepted another form of "compensation" or you were left with nothing so they have really come a long way in that department.

I feel for you, I really do. I know that getting these products in some countries can be very difficult if not impossible, and experiences like this can make it much worse. Hopefully your next purchase with whoever goes more smoothly!
what was your expectation? to get 10mg for the price of 5 because 5 was out of stock? that may be a reasonable expectation in brick and mortar stores in the US.. but your friendly drug dealer don't roll like that..
A refund or credit. They could have told me we don't have and we won't restock, so you have to pay more. Instead of we don't have, pay more. It feels like a bad joke in that instant.
Do you get how sketchy it was? What would you have done when they don't answer and when you ask for other options just say "ok" or "no"
A refund or credit. They could have told me we don't have and we won't restock, so you have to pay more. Instead of we don't have, pay more. It feels like a bad joke in that instant.
Do you get how sketchy it was? What would you have done when they don't answer and when you ask for other options just say "ok" or "no"
Ouch.. it really does sound like things got lost in translation.. I see where you're coming from but it all really sounds like one big misunderstanding (probably on both sides?)... best of luck..
Ouch.. it really does sound like things got lost in translation.. I see where you're coming from but it all really sounds like one big misunderstanding (probably on both sides?)... best of luck..
You're being way too generous. This is just how Tracy does business. It is what it is, but I wish people would stop recommending him to newbies. There are vendors with way better customer service and I don't mean flowery/over friendly language. He compares himself to a corner dealer, but he wouldn't last long in that profession where I'm from.

But if you want something more obscure or at the lowest price possible, some people choose to put up with it.
You're being way too generous. This is just how Tracy does business. It is what it is, but I wish people would stop recommending him to newbies. There are vendors with way better customer service and I don't mean flowery/over friendly language. He compares himself to a corner dealer, but he wouldn't last long in that profession where I'm from.

But if you want something more obscure or at the lowest price possible, some people choose to put up with it.
It's true that this situation and some others could have been dealt with more diplomatically but the way QSC does business is written all over the wall at every board I have seen where they do business, on their discord when that was around, on their Telegram. Basically they are big, will very likely deliver what they say, can be slow, and communication is on their terms. A couple of times people had confusing messaging about whether they were receiving the product that matches the COA they were shown. This stuff is out there for you to find before buying. If someone sends money to an entity who has a reputation of this kind, then the entity behaves exactly as expected, is there any big surprise? I spent maybe 2 weeks reading up on all the companies, looking at COAs, reading about user experiences before making any peptide purchase. It may sound harsh and if so I'm sorry but dealing with gray and black market sellers in any other way is asking to get your money stolen.

I will continue to use QSC because when buying products from the black market, which is basically what it is, I just want to trust that it's not literal poison. I want the product that I ordered more or less. Quality may vary, whether my product matches the COA may vary. But will it be poison? Probably not. Some of these other sellers? I have no idea. Here we all are sharing experiences with them and nobody talks about it being unsafe, so whatever hoops I need to jump through I'm ready.
QSC does have a disconnect with what they have in stock... their latest price list still shows 5mg as available from the US warehouse... even though apparently it isn't and won't be.

Having said that, OP did make some mistakes that are costing him in the end (and very likely will cost him some more since I doubt he received the refund just yet - his bank likely gonna hit him for incoming wire).. TBH choosing to get the refund was probably the worst option but hey.. too late now I guess? probably would have been more productive to come to this forum and ask "what should I do.." before pulling the plug.. jmho...
Actually the latest price lists have no tirz 5mg, but since we update the price list on frequent basis, almost every 2 days or so, and we are on many channels and forums, we post it in some places and in some we forget or don't.
but Tirz isn't!! (and I thought OP was trying to order Tirz.. ) did they cross out wrong product? LOL

Edit: I am blind apparently :) it's not on the list
It's not crossed out, but removed because we don't plan to restock it, so in the latest price lists, no line for tirz 5mg.
crossed ones are often the ones planned to be restocked and just temporary out of stock.
Actually the latest price lists have no tirz 5mg, but since we update the price list on frequent basis, almost every 2 days or so, and we are on many channels and forums, we post it in some places and in some we forget or don't.
I did edit my post correcting that statement.. maybe I need thicker glasses :) looks like I pulled up the price list from the 8th (and "current" one seems to be the one from the 9th which indeed does not have that item listed)
So I ordered T30 from QSC on Sep 3 as part of their GB, and had a tracking number from them showing it had been shipped just 8 days later. Obviously I haven't received it yet but this is my first time dealing with QSC and so far I have zero complaints. "Irene" has been pleasant to work with and has responded promptly every time I email. There's another post on this forum complaining about them right now as well, and the first response I have to that is do not buy via bank wire! Crypto is the way to go. Instant payment and they can verify right away via the hash.
Since this is about QSC. Can someone tell me where the sku list would be? I received some peptides and we are supposed to tell what it is based on the sku on the packaging
Since this is about QSC. Can someone tell me where the sku list would be? I received some peptides and we are supposed to tell what it is based on the sku on the packaging
There's no "list". Once you receive your order, if you can't figure it out on your own (it's pretty easy) you just email the reps and they'll tell you how to identify what's what.

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