Laughing emoji cuz I see what you did there!
Congrats! Right there with ya and thanks to Tirz (🤷🏻♂️) don't even have the energy to sell my primo drip on Poshmark or eBay. I blew right past my "goal" skinny jeans! Somebody is gonna be popping tags in the thrift store!
When my 5mg Tirz was feeling light day 5/6 I started Cagri. I didn't want to overlap or duplicate. Now that I'm at goal I'm reducing Tirz and adding Sema honestly just to use up what's in my freezer... I've got nothing to lose! 🤣
Now I can tell what adding Sema to Tirz might have resulted in...
Liver transplant $878,400+ (I've had one)
Filter .90¢
Tacrolimus for life = low immunity.
I took enough risks destroying my first liver. Personally I'm okay with a cheap precaution.
Short answer? Nope, these don't make sense.
If you spend a few minutes here you'll see not much about your path is making sense. You'll be glad you did! 😉
Notablequotable left the forum in December. There's a maz thread in the table of contents you can check out (if you haven't already).
Dodn't see much here on Maz or Survo but I'm sure interest/use will increase as prices come down.
I had no idea testing facilities filtered.
I'm especially happy I found a source with Ks-tek (packaged) filters on AliExpress under $90 shipped for 100! Arrived in less than 2wks!
I just found this on AliExpress:
$12.99 | Sterile hydrophilic Syringe Filters,PES Membrane 0.22μm Pore Size,4mm...
Ning sent me a PM and wanted me to pass this on. 😘 💞
She's busy trying to make a beige day pink! 🩷
This won't surprise her she says @Mr Smith has that effect on people, besides her mom was a Ho.
He didn't give a starting weight. It read like an algebra question and i wanted to see if I got the right answer. 😁
That being said I agree his is really fast weight loss and at this rate hope I won't be seeing him in the loose skin, turkey neck, hair falling out, saggy ass remedy threads I'm...
👆 What @indolent said.
For me a domestic vendor is only good for a onesie to try something. In this Cagri example with Peptide Crafters there's a $25 difference between 1 vial and 10 vials. $115 vs $900?
How is it that these domestic suppliers run out of a product then when it restocks it's...
DM'd you... It's worth your time to explore there. Once you reach the shop you have to enter your address to see what's available to you. C5 (with the Cheetah is Cagri) or if interested in split shippers they're in the table of contents under "US Combine / Split.
See my post in the Cagri thread. Plz spend some time at below link before making a purchase you'll regret.
Peptide Crafters 5mg Cagri $90 single vial
(Test from December/Jan)
PGB 5mg Cagri $115 entire kit of 10 vials.
(Current Test)
You can use a split shipper and pay $15 total shipping and handling with PGB. Highly recommend cryptoAF2017 on Discord (split shipper).
A 30mg kit (300mg) would yield 600 .5mg doses (almost 11yrs!). One reconstituted vial could last you over a year (60wks)... I don't think you'll find much support here for storing a reconned vial that long. It would cost more than $140 to ship you to the ER. Pay more per milligram for a 5mg or...
I am having a similar experience with Cagri all the way up until this sentence. Gray Cagri is currently around $2.30/mg (source PGB). More Tirz would be cheaper but doesn't have the Amylin component.
Yup... So if you increased to a total of 4.5 I'd stay there regardless of feelz until your next weekly dose and then dose another 4.5 or for math's sake go to 5mg w/o boosting.
I've been on Tirz over a year and passed my goal a long time ago. Never went above 5mg, never went on the scale and...
20cc still doesn't tell us anything. What's the concentration of the vial? If it's 10mg/ml then 20cc is 2mg which is an 80% "boost" of your starting dose. Fine if you're on schedule for a 5mg dose. Not really fine if it's your first week on 2.5 IMO.
For someone who's been around a while Lucy has no clue about crypto. I've got an email thread a graveyard shift long of Lucy's various incompatible crypto types/wallet addresses causing multiple swaps that each take 30 minutes or more to process. It was wallet whack-a-mole!
Examples of Lucy...
It would help to know what you're taking. A 2mg "boost" of semaglutide would be a max dose Ozempic shot! 🤷🏻♂️
Personally I don't subscribe to the theory Lilly/Novo designed their dosage schedule around what some people claim are dumb Americans who can only remember days of the week. If it were...
If you're saying you maxed out at 5mg Sema that's 2.5x the max dose of Ozempic. Proportionally be 37.5mg Tirz! Is that what you meant to say?
I think a bit of Cagri while maybe lowering your Tirz dose might be worth trying... I'd say whataya got to lose but you know. 🙄
I'm also locked into a 5mg script Mounjaro (PCP rightly won't up it because glucose is stable) also built my stash around 5mg. Cagri adds a new angle (Amylin) without overlapping.
Pretty much same with me. Got to 1.25mg Cagri on top of my 5mg Tirz (took 5mg all the way to goal) and the fact I'm not getting the day 5/6 hangry issues keeps me taking Cagri. (No negative effects)
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