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  1. P

    ASC banned from the StairwayToGray site

    There’s a thread somewhere where Jano said there are 4 products out there - essentially the resellers are selling the same four products from finishers but no way to tie which product to which vendor.
  2. P

    ASC banned from the StairwayToGray site

    Three of them use the same BTC wallet
  3. P

    What is EL’s endgame here?

    On the Pen actually discussed the lawsuit against the peptide company but essentially they want to set a precedent for these situations to make it illegal. And the fact that Medicare won’t pay for it is BS.
  4. P

    What is EL’s endgame here?

    They already started coming for the gray market with the Pivotal Peptides lawsuit and I’ve noticed a few other big names have stopped carrying it since.
  5. P

    What is EL’s endgame here?

    I wonder if insurance will cover it eventually. Mine won’t even discuss it even on appeal. My doctor tried to appeal it and my insurance company said it was nonnegotiable so I started to look for other methods. That’s all they’re going to end up doing is driving people away.
  6. P

    What is EL’s endgame here? They’ve been trying to say it’s a demonstrably difficult compound since August. But it’s obvious no one can afford it and by next year better drugs will be available so it’s almost like they don’t want people on it? What a truly weird way to...
  7. P

    Tirz testing

    Thank you :)
  8. P

    Tirz testing

    I’m sorry if this isn’t supposed to be here - I have insufficient privileges to post in the testing area - but after reading the news in the last few days and watching a few American companies stop offering this, I ended up panic stacking (sort of - nothing is in my hot little hands yet but it’s...
  9. P

    Peptide Concealment?

    I’ve wondered the same thing. I thought about buying some pharmacy labels from Alibaba or something just so they looked better than strange empty vials.