Advice on next steps


Oct 19, 2024
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I’ve been lurking here for a few weeks, taking in all of the information and really appreciate all I’ve learned. I finally got around to registering and making an account.

I’m looking for advice on the directions my RS should take. RS had VSG surgery 2/2024 lost 65 lbs from that and an additional 20 since starting tirz. In addition they have 40 more lbs to reach goal weight.

Currently RS is on 5 mg tirz weekly, and has been for 5 weeks. Prior to that 2.5 for 4 weeks. RS is starting to experience a little more food noise/ cravings about 3 days after inj. day until next dose. RS is trying to decide between these options.

1. Increase to 7.5 on next dose.
2. Split doses to 2.5 twice weekly.
3. 5 mg every 5 days
4. Stack cagri at a small dose
5. Switch to Reta until goal weight; then switch back to tirz for maintenance.
6. ? Any other suggestions welcome!
Thanks in advance.
I never went above 5mg with tirz, I started stacking with Reta when the food noise came back around 4-5 days. I then switched to Reta completely and that’s been amazing. I still have tirz in the freezer so I’ll leave it there for maintenance.

I’d say you could go up a dose and see if that makes the difference if you’ve had no bad sides with tirz.

Or split the doses and see if that counters the food noise.
I think all your options are ok, but give caution to Cargi. Seeing chatter around Cargi on other platforms makes me wonder. Although it has done well in trials NN has dropped it and moved to an entirely different substance.
I think all your options are ok, but give caution to Cargi. Seeing chatter around Cargi on other platforms makes me wonder. Although it has done well in trials NN has dropped it and moved to an entirely different substance.
I didn’t know they dropped Cagri! Where’d you hear that? Not doubting you just interested.
Perhaps “dropped” is a bit strong of a word, rumor is they are moving to a product that is synthesized at a pH of 7 not 4 like Cargi.
Option 3 is where I am at now and have been for a while. I find dosing every 5 days keeps the food noise to a minimum.

Definitely interested to hear more about Cagri being dropped by Novo as that was going to be by go to when I eventually decided to do a "reset" for 6 weeks.
I’d do 2.5 twice weekly until you stall on weight loss for 4 weeks. Then bump up to 5 MG every 5 days. I found great success pinning every 3-4 days (a lower dose than 1x per week).