Amazon not shipping insulin syringes to FL anymore?

Those are BH but thanks for the link (back up). I'm in Georgia and get BD (good stuff) from no prescription required. There's usually a coupon to apply.
Do they actually require a Dr. prescription to complete your order? I just ordered a case of BD from them, so I guess I'll find out, just thought I'd ask anyway.
They've never been allowed in Georgia but if you search hard enough you'll find a listing that isn't flagged and you'll be able to order them. There is a BD brand listing I can still order on Amazon and they're not bad. Worst case, I'm told the ones sold as veterinary are the exact same thing.
After I used the veterinary syringes, I started chasing after cats.
Yeah it's the stupidest law because it actually works against against public safety. Like that's going to stop junkies from using. It will just encourage dirty needle use. And resourceful people who want to use grey gpl 1s will find another source for clean needles.
I'm watching my state for potential change of this debacle, while the municipality I live in gives them to junkies for " free". ( at others expense) Harm reduction should include all, not some. I've researched other options just in case.
I'm watching my state for potential change of this debacle, while the municipality I live in gives them to junkies for " free". ( at others expense) Harm reduction should include all, not some. I've researched other options just in case.
Do you have to prove you're a junkie? Or can you just go in shaking like a leaf and pretending to be in withdrawal?
As long as they know you're going to shoot up your reta in the next aisle and leave the dirty uncapped syringe on a low child-friendly shelf, you're good to go
I mean chances are if you tell them it's for the non FDA approved white powder in a vial you bought from a drug dealer in China who smuggled it into the country for you....
when i went to CVS they just handed them to me. i guess i have that junkie look.:giggle:

Think I look too Amish for them to give them to me for free, too?

I used to get them for free by showing the Rite Aid pharmacist pictures of my lizards. I'm in NY so I'm not sure that was quite legal.
Think I look too Amish for them to give them to me for free, too?

I used to get them for free by showing the Rite Aid pharmacist pictures of my lizards. I'm in NY so I'm not sure that was quite legal.
Maybe the pharmacist was just worried about being attacked by a komodo dragon.
Do you have to prove you're a junkie? Or can you just go in shaking like a leaf and pretending to be in withdrawal?
There are drop in centers that "anyone" can go to and get works and social service linkages, but the only people going to those places are the obvious. They used to have a van drive around the city, but funding for that racket got cut.
I also cannot get them shipped here from Amazon, but I have from Diabetic Warehouse, and Diabetic Supply.
I also cannot get them shipped here from Amazon, but I have from Diabetic Warehouse, and Diabetic Supply.
In California, I find that I can't get Amazon to ship me the good brands of syringes. However, the diabetes supply places will ship good syringes here. Pharmacists in California are permitted to dispense syringes. I tried twice; it worked with one pharmacist.
I had my syringe orders on auto ship with Amazon and this month it--and all insulin syringes--say they are unable to ship to my home address in FL. Has anyone noticed this change?

I knew from previous comments by others that Amazon would not ship syringes/needles to California, but previously I had no problems getting mine shipped to FL. Wtf Amazon, POS! I placed an order with Blowout Medical, they beat Amsco's pricing.
I can’t get them in GA through Amazon. I just order from Walmart.
Update. The order I placed through Walmart still shipped from Amazon. Just got delivered by the post office. It must be something to do with Amazon drivers delivering instead of post office. 🤔
It's just so weird that I can order syringes from Amazon while I live in California but I only get only bad syringes. To my surprise, I found that I actually care a great deal about the quality of syringes. I recently bought ten BD syringes from a pharmacy when I went on vacation and forgot to pack syringes. The BD syringes were great, even better than the Easy Touch syringes.

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