Amolist site down?


May 20, 2024
Reaction score
BC Canada
I’m having troubles loading the Amolist site…I have had great experiences with this vendor and I’m hoping everything is ok!
From what I've read from other users, they are pausing sales during the cny holiday/increased customs and took the site down as well.

I'm sure they'll be back
Almost all the Chinese vendors are closed for Chinese New Year. I’ve seen many discussions on telegram and discord. Binh from Amolist has been replying to messages about existing orders. He is the source of the info about being back in Feb. He hasn’t said what the new site will be called, but I assume he will let people know through the usual channels.
Almost all the Chinese vendors are closed for Chinese New Year. I’ve seen many discussions on telegram and discord. Binh from Amolist has been replying to messages about existing orders. He is the source of the info about being back in Feb. He hasn’t said what the new site will be called, but I assume he will let people know through the usual channels.
I just spoke with Alam on whatsapp - they are allowing orders still for returning customers only until they relaunch and will ship them on the 13th (hoping they just ship mine early like the person above lol) - hes having binh email me. he also said the new website is currently under construction and he'll reach out and let me know when the new one is live and theyre accepting new customers on it again