Just sharing my own experience with this one as it is new for my RS starting today.
Current research: 12.5 mg tirz split q 3.5 days. RS at this dose for 10 weeks.
Research hx: Tirz started 12/27/23. No other GLP-1 used. RS has used brand, compounded, and AP L60. For all sources: zero side affects, no injection pain, no ISRs, no allergic reactions.
Recon info: AP C5 shipped from TX on 9/9/24. Cake was mostly intact with one small broken piece, was under vacuum, and fully dissolved within 10 seconds. Hospiral BAC 1.5 ml and filtered through 4mm PES 0.22 micron syringe filter into new sterile vial. Strength 3.3mg/ml. Tested pH after filtering and result was 6.
Starting research cagrilintide: Weekly dose of 0.3 mg (9 units) 2 days after one split tirz dose. First injection evening of 10/19/24. RS injection unremarkable with zero injection pain, no ISR, no allergic reaction. Will update with RS assessment of effectiveness after one week.
AP C5 ph testing = 6:

AP C5 before recon:

AP C5 after recon, before filtering:
Vial on side Vial slightly tilted

Current research: 12.5 mg tirz split q 3.5 days. RS at this dose for 10 weeks.
Research hx: Tirz started 12/27/23. No other GLP-1 used. RS has used brand, compounded, and AP L60. For all sources: zero side affects, no injection pain, no ISRs, no allergic reactions.
Recon info: AP C5 shipped from TX on 9/9/24. Cake was mostly intact with one small broken piece, was under vacuum, and fully dissolved within 10 seconds. Hospiral BAC 1.5 ml and filtered through 4mm PES 0.22 micron syringe filter into new sterile vial. Strength 3.3mg/ml. Tested pH after filtering and result was 6.
Starting research cagrilintide: Weekly dose of 0.3 mg (9 units) 2 days after one split tirz dose. First injection evening of 10/19/24. RS injection unremarkable with zero injection pain, no ISR, no allergic reaction. Will update with RS assessment of effectiveness after one week.
AP C5 ph testing = 6:

AP C5 before recon:

AP C5 after recon, before filtering:
Vial on side Vial slightly tilted