Any experiences with glp-1 and trt?

Aug 18, 2024
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Iv'e been unable to find any conclusive research on the topic. Is it just that both works quite well, or do they have a synergetic effect - any experiences?
My RS is taking both but for reasons that are independent of each other. They have not found a synergistic effect by using both therapies simultaneously.
if your natural test levels are low, TRT will logically help with higher dosage can probably help preserve more muscle mass, but for that there are more effective drugs
Could you elaborate .I've had low test for the last 10 years or more.Ive gotten up to 270lbs. after 2.5 months on Tirz. I'm 226. Fearful of losing muscle mass I've started walking 10000 steps and plan on hitting the gym next week after slight injury heals.Going to Docs trying to get test .unless you have a writing fool they just don't like to part with a Testosterone script. Where's the danger. You mention other drugs are more appropriate, which ones?my numbers are really low. will know exactly in a couple of days .What do you think?
if you have a low test and no Rx I suggest you order underground one which normally bodybuilders are using, in US I know there are several domestic vendors. CN vendors also sell them, but since it needs to be injected IM I wasn't brave enough to order directly from them yet.
once you are on test, lets say 100-150mg weekly (slightly above normal) you can combine it with low doses of Oxandrolone or Ostarine
T is a Class III controlled substance as of 2016.
yet they're handing the stuff out like candy here. Every other commercial on Boston sports radio is a commercial for spas that specialize in low T injections. It's the answer for everything and i'll probably try it or hgh very soon. F-it. Life is about feeling good. Everyone is doping it up around here but i can't because i have a security clearance.

in the meantime i have a kit of tesamorelin on the way.
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yet they're handing the stuff out like candy here. Every other commercial on Boston sports radio is a commercial for spas that specialize in low T injections. It's the answer for everything and i'll probably try it or hgh very soon. F-it. Life is about feeling good. Everyone is doping it up around here but i can't because i have a security clearance.

in the meantime i have a kit of tesamorelin on the way.
The main reason for the classification is probably because it can have quite bad potential side effects on higher dosages, and people don't exactly have common sense :) (myself included to be fair)

TRT would usually be somewhere between 75 and 100mg a week. While most people using it for muscle building purposes consider 500mg the entry dose, running close to or over a gram is not uncommon.

So the clinics handing it out like candy isn't really a big issue tbh, except that it lowers the bar for starting.
if you have a low test and no Rx I suggest you order underground one which normally bodybuilders are using, in US I know there are several domestic vendors. CN vendors also sell them, but since it needs to be injected IM I wasn't brave enough to order directly from them yet.
once you are on test, lets say 100-150mg weekly (slightly above normal) you can combine it with low doses of Oxandrolone or Ostarine
I don't think it's suitable to post specifics here. But if you decide to order, go with verified/guaranteed vendors on the larger boards - you would have to be very unlucky to get a bad product. As a side-note you can take T subq, but it might leave some lumps now and then though.

Could you elaborate .I've had low test for the last 10 years or more.Ive gotten up to 270lbs. after 2.5 months on Tirz. I'm 226. Fearful of losing muscle mass I've started walking 10000 steps and plan on hitting the gym next week after slight injury heals.Going to Docs trying to get test .unless you have a writing fool they just don't like to part with a Testosterone script. Where's the danger. You mention other drugs are more appropriate, which ones?my numbers are really low. will know exactly in a couple of days .What do you think?
Tbh, for low T, T is the more suitable solution - I think he referred to there being more suitable substances for maintaining muscle mass - Which is true, but I would not recommend using them without a T base, especially if your T levels are already low, since other substances that maintain muscle mass can have a suppressive effect on T production (Does depend on the substance and dosages though). I would strongly recommend that you consult with an endocrinologist before adding hormones. Get some blood panels etc and make sure it's safe for you.

That said, there is a lot you can do about your testosterone levels with lifestyle and diet, depends on your situation. Quitting alcohol is a big one, aromatase is a #¤% :)
@Bacchus is so far the most knowledgeable vendor here and I can only mostly agree, just with the low T - some things, such as old age and genetics cant be much influenced ...
I've been on 1.62% gel for 6+ months (Rx) and also taking Tirzepatide for the entire time. I lost 50+ lbs and gained muscle. I'm not sure how much muscle I gained as I didn't do any before/after tests other than lifting heavier. I'm thrilled with my results though. Best shape of my life. I've got another 20lbs of fat to lose and then I'll stop the Tirz and focus on a bulk phase. At the end of my bulk (8-10 weeks), I'll go back on Tirz for the cut.
I am on both exogenous T (140mg weekly) and glp-1 meds. I wouldn’t say they are synergistic necessarily but the TRT certainly helps keep motivation to go to the gym up, and I don’t feel myself losing lots of muscle although I am sure I have lost some. Down to 224 pounds now with another 24 to go!
Noticed my hematocrit has increased on GLP-1/GIP/GCGR agonist, not sure if it is due to increased iron absorption? Want to give TRT a go, but hct jumped form ~48 to ~51..
@Bacchus is so far the most knowledgeable vendor here and I can only mostly agree, just with the low T - some things, such as old age and genetics cant be much influenced ...
Old age like a 105 .
I am on both exogenous T (140mg weekly) and glp-1 meds. I wouldn’t say they are synergistic necessarily but the TRT certainly helps keep motivation to go to the gym up, and I don’t feel myself losing lots of muscle although I am sure I have lost some. Down to 224 pounds now with another 24 to go!
I've been on 1.62% gel for 6+ months (Rx) and also taking Tirzepatide for the entire time. I lost 50+ lbs and gained muscle. I'm not sure how much muscle I gained as I didn't do any before/after tests other than lifting heavier. I'm thrilled with my results though. Best shape of my life. I've got another 20lbs of fat to lose and then I'll stop the Tirz and focus on a bulk phase. At the end of my bulk (8-10 weeks), I'll go back on Tirz for the cut.
I am on both exogenous T (140mg weekly) and glp-1 meds. I wouldn’t say they are synergistic necessarily but the TRT certainly helps keep motivation to go to the gym up, and I don’t feel myself losing lots of muscle although I am sure I have lost some. Down to 224 pounds now with another 24 to go!
What weight did you start at and are you happy with the gel
Old age like a 105 .


note this chart shows T decline after age of 30 only

and also for example:
"...Several cross-sectional studies show a decline of serum total testosterone concentration with increasing age [1,2].... a gradual decline in testosterone concentration was seen after age 35 years... decline in T with obesity, declining T with advancing age, and associations with morbidity and mortality..."
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Old age like a 105 .

What weight did you start at and are you happy with the gel
I didn’t use the gel, I use IM test cypionate. I weighed about 250 and was on sema for my first ~3 months maxing out at 1mg weekly and now take tirz, second week in. Last week did 2.5mg, this week trying a split of 2mg and 2mg 3 days later for a total of 4mg per week (2.5mg tirz was noticeably weaker than the 1mg of sema I had gotten used to).
View attachment 1567
note this chart shows T decline after age of 30 only

and also for example:
"...Several cross-sectional studies show a decline of serum total testosterone concentration with increasing age [1,2].... a gradual decline in testosterone concentration was seen after age 35 years... decline in T with obesity, declining T with advancing age, and associations with morbidity and mortality..."
What I was getting at with the wise Crack was should I not consider TRT because my numbers are in the toilet and I'm seventy .I've another 50 lbs to lose my muscle mass is low .lost about40 lbs in 2.5 months .I fear loss of muscle will be anything but advantageous The endocrinologist says he does like prescribing T and I am old .I believe he's old fashioned and pred against T for a myriad reasons .Hearts ok BP ok. I'm anemic .I only think the T would help or am I putting my eggs too much in this basket
my pcp actually suggested I go on trt due to low test for awhile now and to help preserve muscle loss from tirz (losing too quickly). Going to start later in the year and looking at
What I was getting at with the wise Crack was should I not consider TRT because my numbers are in the toilet and I'm seventy .I've another 50 lbs to lose my muscle mass is low .lost about40 lbs in 2.5 months .I fear loss of muscle will be anything but advantageous The endocrinologist says he does like prescribing T and I am old .I believe he's old fashioned and pred against T for a myriad reasons .Hearts ok BP ok. I'm anemic .I only think the T would help or am I putting my eggs too much in this basket
If your doctor says T might help and he considers it safe, I would consider it to be honest.

But I should be careful with how I phrase myself since I am a very big fan of more or less anyone with reduced T to take some extra since I see it as overall more beneficial than a downside.

Testosterone in those dosages have minimal side effects and the upsides are quite numerous. But do your own research and decide for yourself.

I was mentioning to my doctor that I was considering going off T for a while to let my body rest (and I'm taking a lot more than trt), he just looked at me in wonder and asked why? My health is perfectly fine, so he saw no reason for me to change things up.