I have 10-15lbs to go. I haven't decided where to stop yet, but the topic of maintenance is definitely on my mind. I'm thinking of still stacking Tirz and Reta, but maybe at 5mg each. I have to say that I'm more nervous about maintenance than I am the weight loss. I did a big keto weight loss about 12 years ago. I was very successful, but as soon as I tried to stabilize I gained about 15lbs very quickly. It was then a long, losing battle and I ultimately ended up weighing 20lbs more than when I started keto. Keto was unsustainable, at least for me.
I already have plenty of Tirz and Reta in the freezer to last years. Getting the peps isn't the issue. The issue is finding that magic formula for me that allows some appetite while maintaining my weight. I'm thinking it will take 3-6 months of experiments to figure out what that is. I wish there was an easy answer that works for everyone, but I'm guessing that is not how it is going to go.