What was the purpose of this comment except to let everyone know how nasty you are?
Based on this comment, it would seem you disagree with what I said.
After everything that happened, you still think Sabrina is an expert? That says a lot.
She’s not. She initially wanted to have a dude at a lab where she works do some testing on the side as a sort of fun experiment that would benefit the community. Great! But then that quickly turned into her posting price lists from “her lab” (yes, she represented it was her lab) for tests she was running, and offering to do the analysis herself for a discount. She was charging people for testing and getting it all wrong. She actually had the temerity to question why Jano was the gold standard in peptide testing, as if she — the new gal on the block without an established reputation — was on par with Jano. Get real.
Jano was able to use the very same raw data she used to easily disprove her analysis and findings. He did so pretty matter-of-factly. She doubled down. Then claimed it wasn’t her lab, that she was relying on other people who were running the tests. When asked by long-standing and respected members of the community for more information to support how/why she got her results so very and obviously wrong, she claimed they were being “intrusive” and picked up her toys and left all the TGs and Discords were she would be asked questions.
God forbid people who are paying her and relying on her test results in making decisions about whether to inject foreign substances into their body ask her questions! The nerve of those people!
This all to say, this is not how an actual expert develops expertise nor how they conduct themselves when asked questions about their analysis.
If it makes me “nasty” to state the obvious, I’ll gladly wear the title. She’s no expert.