ASC /Angel Shanghai Chemical Co., Ltd

Don't lump amo in with qsc and speak on something you obviously didn't bother to check
Im not the one who mix up info about QSC / ASC , read thru again ...
I said ASC (Angel Shanghai ...) results didnt come out good. (btw. we are not allowed to re-posting here from peppys)
You answer me "Yeah I posted about it Purity between 94%-96%" which is mix up with QSC results ...
So you are the one who spreads misinformation
Another issue - amo results - their test come below 10% which is official "FAIL" by peppys
I do my homework (im member of many forums and groups) so please don't waste your time, and calling me "speak on something you obviously didn't bother to check", because you are the one who even didn't check own previous messages
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They will provide you testing and it has been tested by third party. I have ordered 3x and it is good. Plus no preservatives
"they will provide you 3rd party tests"?
"THEY will"
1) 3rd party tests are not given by the vendor but by their actual customers posted somewhere else
2) and that products were good - well most vendors send you a real product, but exact amount and purity you never know except you send your vial for testing
我不是那个混淆 QSC / ASC 信息的人,请再读一遍......
我说 ASC(Ansgel Shanghai...)的结果不太好。(顺便说一句,我们不允许从 peppys 重新发布这里的内容)
您回答我“是的,我发布了关于纯度在 94%-96% 之间的信息”,这与 QSC 的结果混淆了...
另一个问题 - amo 的结果 - 他们的测试低于 10%,这是 peppys 官方的“失败”
Would you care to tell me where you saw a bad test report from ASC? So far I've seen good results on their tests.
Would you care to tell me where you saw a bad test report from ASC? So far I've seen good results on their tests.
Thank you dear ASC rep to take your time and join this discussion. Once you are present here maybe you can elaborate on your "3rd party tests results" which you providing to potential customers
我不是那个混淆 QSC / ASC 信息的人,请再读一遍......
我说 ASC(Ansgel Shanghai...)的结果不太好。(顺便说一句,我们不允许从 peppys 重新发布这里的内容)
您回答我“是的,我发布了关于纯度在 94%-96% 之间的信息”,这与 QSC 的结果混淆了...
另一个问题 - amo 的结果 - 他们的测试低于 10%,这是 peppys 官方的“失败”
btw. you even forgot to translate, so we all can clearly see you are from China, so for sure not their customer
btw. you even forgot to translate, so we all can clearly see you are from China, so for sure not their customer
Just out of curiosity, where did you see that? I didn't promote any company, I didn't say anything bad about anyone.


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Just out of curiosity, where did you see that? I didn't promote any company, I didn't say anything bad about anyone.
so you claim you are not from ASC, but writting in chinese, during chinese office hours and posting tests results so fast.
Please explain to us, how tests posted by ASC company itself can be called 3rd party?
Can you write for us your definition of 3rd party tests?
btw. for everyone else here, I apologize, I did confuse ASC with different company with similar name from the latest results from peppys, there are NO RESULTS of any 3rd party tests for ASC.

However the issue of their claims of providing "3rd party tests" is very real and needs to be addressed
btw. for everyone else here, I apologize, I did confuse ASC with different company with similar name from the latest results from peppys, there are NO RESULTS of any 3rd party tests for ASC.

However the issue of their claims of providing "3rd party tests" is very real and needs to be addressed
Dear Sir, I have never denied myself, I have not even had a formal self-introduction before, I do not know what you understand by third party. I don't know whether you have purchased our products or not, but it is certain that our products have been tested. And we guarantee the quality of our products, if any customer testing, our product purity is less than 98%, we can give the customer a refund to deal with, or re-send a copy of the product, it depends on the customer's own choice.94%-96% purity of the product is seriously unqualified. This data is enough to ruin everything in our company once it is associated with ASC.
And we guarantee the quality of our products, if any customer testing, our product purity is less than 98%, we can give the customer a refund to deal with, or re-send a copy of the product, it depends on the customer's own choice.94%-96% purity of the product is seriously unqualified. This data is enough to ruin everything in our company once it is associated with ASC.
OK, so finally you did confess you are from ASC. (btw. only 1 rep per vendor is allowed here)
Also you acknowledge that you don't understand meaning of term 3rd party tests, but you are giving these test results to people, claiming they are 3rd party. So to save reputation of your company, please try to comprehend the meaning of a third party - means someone independent, not from your company, send out for testing randomly selected vial from a real purchase as an ordinary customer for testing. These results are called a third party.
What you are giving to people are second party tests only, because its your company who order the tests, most probably send out a few of the best vials on hand, and later publish result only for the one vial with the best result. So it can not so trusted.
If you want a real third party tests, ask some of your customers who volunteer to send a 1 vial for test, you will pay for the test but not interfere in any way - whatever the result will be, it must be released to public.
After we can discuss yours 3rd party test results.
This data is enough to ruin everything in our company once it is associated with ASC.
All vendors have less than perfect tests at times, and it rarely "ruins" their reputation. You can't be in this business and be afraid of bad test results. What matters is how you remedy and improve them.

The posts you are making however are probably harming your company's reputation.
What you are giving to people are second party tests only, because its your company who order the tests, most probably send out a few of the best vials on hand, and later publish result only for the one vial with the best result. So it can not so trusted.
I think you overestimate the possibility of "cherry picked" vials being sent for testing.

Is it possible? Yep. Does it happen? Not really. The additional time, labor, and internal gymnastics that would have to take place would negate any perceived advantage and regardless most of these company's don't have the organizational capacity to pull something like that off most of the time. They're too focused on make drugs, sell drugs, ship drugs, repeat.
Are they legit? I've looked everywhere including other forums, websites and can't find a single person who's purchased and used them. Prices are pretty cheap so it's pretty strange that now one person anywhere has posted they bought and used so far. They went from offering reta 15 for 320 to literally the next day 280. Makes me feels like if they're trying to get people to jump in quick. Anything I see posted from them is literally only from themselves trying to sale and nobody even comments. Maybe it's just me but it's so strange
I ordered from them— will keep everyone posted
I think you overestimate the possibility of "cherry picked" vials being sent for testing.

Is it possible? Yep. Does it happen? Not really. The additional time, labor, and internal gymnastics that would have to take place would negate any perceived advantage and regardless most of these company's don't have the organizational capacity to pull something like that off most of the time. They're too focused on make drugs, sell drugs, ship drugs, repeat.
Agree, as always you are correct.
but still there can be some degree of manipulation ...
I find all the posts rushing to defend "Amo" suspicious.
I have one kit of 15 mg Amo..and like 2 years supply from different supplier but wanted to test try Amo ...well doesn't seem to be working as good as X so this could be the underdosing by Amo but I did pin a little extra last and not much effect on appetite..gonna use the whole kit before deciding on it..
I have one kit of 15 mg Amo..and like 2 years supply from different supplier but wanted to test try Amo ...well doesn't seem to be working as good as X so this could be the underdosing by Amo but I did pin a little extra last and not much effect on appetite..gonna use the whole kit before deciding on it..
from the only one recent 3rd party test result, their product was underfill around 10%-15%, so definitively less than should be, but not that much to not have any effects. Some other vendors sometimes underfill 50% or even more ... And so far I didn't see any 3rd party test for amo to come out so bad, but it doesn't mean it could not happen.
In my book amo is still one of "trusted" vendors, just put on watch right now because of that one recent bad test result

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