Repost from Tirzepatide thread:
People coming here from Reddit should be aware they are leaving the comfort of Insurance, Pharmacy, Amazon and FedEx compadres and entering the zone of shady drug dealer, cargo container ship, confusing cryptic commerce. And the drug dealers don't work the hours you're awake and they take their holidays seriously!
The awesome thing (to me) about this forum is it's not a diary of anyone's "journey" or repetitive crap about the inability to crap... It's been (for me) a respite from Reddit redundancy.
Friendly advice to newbies...
Is your friend.
People coming here from Reddit should be aware they are leaving the comfort of Insurance, Pharmacy, Amazon and FedEx compadres and entering the zone of shady drug dealer, cargo container ship, confusing cryptic commerce. And the drug dealers don't work the hours you're awake and they take their holidays seriously!
The awesome thing (to me) about this forum is it's not a diary of anyone's "journey" or repetitive crap about the inability to crap... It's been (for me) a respite from Reddit redundancy.
Friendly advice to newbies...