Award for Most Fire Tirz 🏆🐦‍🔥

Most Fire Tirz Vendor 🏆🐦‍🔥

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You forgot Eli Lilly and Company, whose tirz is so fire that people pay $1,100 a month for it. Unless you're in France or Japan, then $130 a month.
Having taken Eli Lilly tirz, I know it’s nothing special. But you don’t need to use a syringe. And you don’t need to reconstitute.
I agree with everyone on this thread: there should be more syphilis-related choices on the poll
Please don't discriminate any the other sexually transmitted diseases, many of which are fine options. I am happy to note that gorillas are incapable of catching gonorrhea, syphilis, chancroid and chlamydia. We do catch other STDS.
Please don't discriminate any the other sexually transmitted diseases, many of which are fine options. I am happy to note that gorillas are incapable of catching gonorrhea, syphilis, chancroid and chlamydia. We do catch other STDS.
I'm left sitting here wondering if you knew that, or had to look it up. I think I'm impressed either way.
I'm left sitting here wondering if you knew that, or had to look it up. I think I'm impressed either way.
I’m happy that my web wife is impressed. I had to look it up. The internet is great for figuring out things like that. If I was more hip or younger, I would asked an AI program instead of Googling the matter.

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