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Staff member
Aug 1, 2023
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There is an individual who started a new website as a US domestic vendor that I strongly recommend avoiding at all costs!

I won't name or link the site, but he is claiming that he purchased the "rest of the XCE US warehouse stock" and that's what he's offering for sale. It has been confirmed beyond any doubt that THIS IS A LIE. The last of the publicly-available XCE stock is being sold by Sisyphus and once he's out, it's gone.

This degenerate scum even went so far as to pretend his name was "Peter" and included XCE in his website name. :rolleyes: This is an obvious attempt to con people into buying imposter goods he probably sourced from the cheapest lab in China. People who have been around this industry a long time suspect that he bought a bunch of QC failure/second/irregular (whatever you want to call them) products at a deep discount and is trying to cash-in on the good reputation of XCE and their products by claiming they are something that they're not.

Please don't fall for these kind of scams! There have been countless vendor websites, Facebook groups, Discords, etc. popping up lately with zero reputation, and many are turning out to be scams that just take your money and run. Unfortunately there's nothing to stop it and there's going to continue to be more every day because shady people think they can make quick easy money. Greed is a powerful motivator for the corrupt!

Remember that there are a number of vendors reviewed on this forum (some even have a presence here) to help you make an informed decision. One tip I will offer is that if you find a vendor whose name can't be found by searching the forum or Reddit with at least 100 positive reviews, don't waste your time asking "Has anybody bought from ABCD?" because the answer is probably no, and you don't want to be the first.

Be a smart consumer, don't just jump at the lowest price, and don't let yourself be tricked by a scammer!
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