Cheat day?


Staff member
Aug 1, 2023
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Any time I've been working to lose weight, I've always included a cheat day where I get either a couple of hamburgers and a small fry from McD's or a French dip from Arby's. Either is pretty much about 100% of my carbs most weeks.

Well let me tell you, I've been having GI issues for the past 3 days with either a stomach bug or possibly food poisoning, and was finally feeling pretty good today so I stopped at Arby's on the way home. Oh dear sweet baby jeebus, did I immediately regret that! I feel like I ate an entire loaf of bread and washed it down with a gallon of milk! Ugh! Cheat days are supposed to feel like a nice reward, but not so much this time! :sick:

Curious who else has a regular cheat day and what that means to you?
After being sick that long I can imagine how desperately your body was craving carbs & salt and how eager you were to enjoy eating again. So sorry your comfort food wasn't comforting!

The whole cheat day concept implies everyday eating while losing weight is joyless. Why should it be? As long as I'm meeting my basic nutritional needs through generally wholesome food, enjoying small treats every day can be healthy, balanced, and sustainable behavior. If my body & brain are seriously craving junk or large portions throughout the day that's my cue to jab early.
I still have weekly cheat meals, but I still have to be wary of the amount. The old days was NY style meat pizza where I would easily eat 4-5 slices of an 18 inch pie. Now, I still have it a couple of times a month and only eat 2 slices.

My old 22 oz ribeye with loaded potato a full salad is now about 10oz of ribeye, 3 bites of potato and half a salad. And a great leftover meal the next day.

Funny enough, I am just as satiated now as I was before glp1's. I really think I would be fine if I had to stop the med, but do not want to yet. :)
After being sick that long I can imagine how desperately your body was craving carbs & salt and how eager you were to enjoy eating again. So sorry your comfort food wasn't comforting!

The whole cheat day concept implies everyday eating while losing weight is joyless. Why should it be? As long as I'm meeting my basic nutritional needs through generally wholesome food, enjoying small treats every day can be healthy, balanced, and sustainable behavior. If my body & brain are seriously craving junk or large portions throughout the day that's my cue to jab early.
I thoroughly enjoy everything I eat during the week (except for the shrimp scampi I had Tuesday that I think gave me food poisoning!), but as a long-time fast food whore that one 'cheat' meal a week is usually enough salt & carbs to give me a brief zen kind of feeling and still remind me why I don't want to eat that shit every day lol.
I still have weekly cheat meals, but I still have to be wary of the amount. The old days was NY style meat pizza where I would easily eat 4-5 slices of an 18 inch pie. Now, I still have it a couple of times a month and only eat 2 slices.

My old 22 oz ribeye with loaded potato a full salad is now about 10oz of ribeye, 3 bites of potato and half a salad. And a great leftover meal the next day.

Funny enough, I am just as satiated now as I was before glp1's. I really think I would be fine if I had to stop the med, but do not want to yet. :)
NY style pizza (plain cheese please) is my #1 comfort food. Ironically, I haven't had any pizza (nor even really a craving) since I started MJ in April. I told myself when I hit the 50lbs lost mark that I would celebrate with a pizza, but that came and went and I haven't really had the desire. It's mind-blowing how these GLP-1's effect our tastes/thoughts/etc. about food.
NY style pizza (plain cheese please) is my #1 comfort food. Ironically, I haven't had any pizza (nor even really a craving) since I started MJ in April. I told myself when I hit the 50lbs lost mark that I would celebrate with a pizza, but that came and went and I haven't really had the desire. It's mind-blowing how these GLP-1's effect our tastes/thoughts/etc. about food.
I have gone from total foodie that was consumed by my next 7 meals to not caring at all. If you had told me that I would not care about food I would have thought NEVER! Funny thing is, I am happier and feel younger and healthier than I have in 30 years.

So many times over the years when 'dieting' whether it was low carb, keto, low cal.... I would have a cheat meal that I was so looking forward to and be totally disappointed after the fact.

My wife loves the new me, because I rarely care where we eat/what we eat together. As long as I can eat something moderately healthy with lots of protein and minimal carbs, I could care less.
I relate to this thread 100%. In every other version of "dieting" I've ever done, I always had a cheat day (or meal), felt terribly guilty and then made myself suffer until the next cheat time. Since my own journey with tirz (also in April!), I just don't feel the need to ""cheat", because I just have no desire to. If I want a taste of ice cream, that's all I have. When I used to have a bowl, now I have a few spoonfuls and call it good. I frequently am just amazed at how much food is just *not important* anymore. I plan on staying in tirz for a long time, and will only really consider giving it up after a long while of maintenance (a year at least), so my body fully adapts and adjusts to the "new me". And honestly, if I'm on this for years and years, so be it. For the first time in my life, I feel like I'm getting to a "normal" relationship with food, and it feels pretty effing amazing.
I definitely eat what I want (before being on this stuff and also now, although now i am trying to at least get in a reasonable amount of protein and fiber) and toward the end of the week I am having what others might call “cheat days” because more stuff sounds good. So pizza or restaurant or whatever.

When I first started I couldn’t eat a higher calorie meal without getting serious serious runs but now I seem to have adjusted….

I don’t consider it cheating- I’m trying to get enough fiber and protein and without the overeating, it’s not terribly hard to make okay-ish choices. But last night we had spaghetti and meatballs and strawberry shortcake because that sounded good and then today I really didn’t eat enough of anything, so. Here we are.
Overall I have cheat weekends. So far I’ve been able to eat whatever I want, but in much smaller quantities. I focus on healthy meals through the week but weekends I don’t restrict as much. I’m also a heavy vodka drinker, and unfortunately I have been able to drink the same and have the same desire previous to this. I’ve had consistent weight loss (3-4 pounds a month) doing this but I also work out regularly. weight loss has slowed down now that I’m at “normal” bmi and maintaining.

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