Dosing ideas for switching from Tirz + Cag to Tirz + CagriSema


Oct 14, 2024
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Currently do Tirz 12.5mg on Monday and supplement with Cagri 0.75 on Thurs or Friday to mitigate hunger.

Some CagriSema seems to have landed in my mailbox so I was thinking of trying that instead of the Cagri.

If I'm currently on T 12.5 and Cag 0.75 on Day 5, would you suggest switching to 0.5/0.5 Cagrisema to start? Or is that going to be too much - should I go to 0.25/0.25?

(I don't have to do either one, I could stay on tirz + cag, but i'm just kind of curious and will seek to use all my stock up at some point, so why not)
thanks everyone!
I've got a couple vials CagriSema 10/10 (freebie from vendor) and currently on Tirz and 1.25mg Cagri. I'm also wanting to clean out the freezer and have never tried Sema. I've not gone above 5mg Tirz (10mos). 10/10 would not be a good vial amount for a starter reconstitution. I've also got a couple 2mg Sema vials from some crazy sale so I'll probably drop Tirz and replace with .25 Sema and go by "feels" every 5 days or so until I get to my current level of 1.25mg Cagri. That's when I'll recon the CagriSema at that point would be eight 1.25/1.25 doses per vial.

TLDR - There's never a reason to take too large of an initial dose. Start at the minimum and adjust upward accordingly.