Eating is optional I guess


Sep 3, 2023
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
I am only 5 weeks in, so factor that into my comments. But I am traveling right now, it is 5pm, and I haven't eaten since yesterday and injected yesterday. I am debating if I should go to the hotel restaurant and eat something or not. That is remarkable. I used to obsess over food and plan for what and when I'd eat. It seems like what life must be like for my skinny adult daughter, who enjoys food, but doesn't really think about it all that much.
I’ve had days like that, but managed protein shakes and electrolytes. If you’re traveling maybe you could get some soup at the hotel? Try getting some nourishment and definitely hydrate. It will get better :)
It's so strange, right? I have to force myself to eat, and honestly feel a bit relieved when the hunger comes back sometimes because I'm definitely struggling to get my basic fuel in each day. But it's so nice to finally control it, vs the other way around!
It’s like the nerves causing hunger pangs were severed. Gone, and my brain searches for them! I’m trying to reprogram and reduce the psychological attachment to food/ emotional eating bad habit. Getting better tho. Everyone says the extreme difficulty getting food down gets easier after a few months.
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