From Georgia

Fellow Georgian here. I’ve had a hard time too. I saw a company mentioned in another thread on Facebook that’s supposedly in GA. Have you heard of them?

I have not heard about them. About to check them out now. Thank you. I was using a telehealth company called amble, but I have had a bad reaction and had some joint pain and swelling so I just wanted to find an alternative so I could make and mix it myself.
Hello, fellow Georgian here! Not sure where you've been looking to see such high prices, but my first month of Tirz only cost me $120 with shipping and Bac water, and that's about the average for a 10mg vial with most of the US vendors I've looked at. That's a months supply at the starting dose of 2.5 If you're looking at international sellers, they usually sell in 10 pack kits - so when they list Tirz 10mg, that price is for 10 vials. Ambles prices for a month of 2.5 is $299, more than double. Theres some great resources here, so hopefully you'll find a supplier to your liking!
South Georgia here checking in. Why is it so hard to find decently priced Tirz.? It's cheaper to get it compounded from Amble.
If you are looking at domestic vendors the prices are higher. If you look for product fro. China it is much cheaper. Remember that the prices you find on price lists from China are usually * kits* ...meaning 10 vials
Welcome! I see you already got some good advice. You can check @dionysos profile for links to his spreadsheets that outline a few domestic and china vendors. This just a starting point though! ALL vendors have issues from time to time, so any one of us could have a bad experience, but generally the issue is just that they are slightly under-filled or slightly low purity. While I haven't used them personally, is having a labor day sale on Tirz that is some of the best prices I've seen. Shipping is high, but fast. There are several threads here talking about amopure fka amopeptide. Might be a good starting point for you.
Their prices seem pricey.
The prices vary a lot.

10mg Tirz you can find from $70-300+ from domestic vendors. It's quite a large spread, for various reasons.

And around $15-40 from China when ordering a kit of 10.

@dionysos Has a list of some domestic vendors in his profile which is a good starting point.

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