Getting some help


ASC/Angel Shanghai Chemical Co., Ltd
May 23, 2024
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Hello, everyone.I've learned a few things, but I'm still a novice in some areas.I am looking for help.

I was wondering if anyone has used hgh? How does it feel to use it compared to Tirz?
Hello, and welcome here.

I was wondering if anyone has used hgh?
If you ask this questions then is HGH not the correct medication for you.
HGH is mostly used to build muscle mass but has also the weight loss effect.
HGH mess also with your Insulin level and if you dont know what you are doing then YOU WILL GET DIABETES
Hello, and welcome here.

If you ask this questions then is HGH not the correct medication for you.
HGH is mostly used to build muscle mass but has also the weight loss effect.
HGH mess also with your Insulin level and if you dont know what you are doing then YOU WILL GET DIABETES
Thank you so much for your help. I guess I should look into some other products
Hello, everyone.I've learned a few things, but I'm still a novice in some areas.I am looking for help.

I was wondering if anyone has used hgh? How does it feel to use it compared to Tirz?
Echoing what @Sheldor said, @ZoeyZ .
If weight loss is your goal, HGH is the wrong tool.

As a researcher who has used all three major weight loss peptides I suggest you strongly consider Semaglutide, the best researched, lowest cost weight loss drug. It also is the one with the strongest appetite suppression.

As a former bodybuilding enthusiast and HGH user I say this with love:
Do not take weight loss advice from muscleheads!
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I’m curious dionysos why Sema over Tirz. I thought i would loose more with Tirz. Over a year i lost 50 pounds. 195 to 145 and im 5’2”
Perhaps you will lose more with Tirzepatide @Jibberjabz.
Then again, perhaps not, bodies being the highly individual, quirky mechanisms they are :D

What is statistically, objectively true and shown in research studies is that Semaglutide has much stronger appettite suppression than Tirzepatide or Retatrutide for most people. The results shown in the studies which indicate greater weight loss for Tirz and Reta are achieved only at the highest dosages of 10 and 12mg weekly.

At these high dosages the two newer peptides are three or four times more expensive to use than Semagluitide.
At these dosages they both also produce a fair measure of side effects.

I achieved most of my 60 pounds weight loss with Wegovy and research Semaglutide. Neither Tirz nor Reta has been nearly so effective. That's a result of their relative lack of appetite suppression for me.

For everyone who asks (and many who don't) I suggest they start with Semaglutide and stay on it as long as they have appetite supression and lose weight. Only consider changing peptides when those two things are no longer true.

Certainly Your Mileage May Vary @Jibberjabz :)
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Welcome! I'll ditto the hgh advisory and not taking weight loss advice from bodybuilders. I had a friend who used a lot of hgh/test products and was a beast, right up until he stopped using them and morphed into a very heavy Pear shaped man with a lot of health issues. I'm not an expert on that subject, but have known a few users and seen enough to steal clear. Probably has its place, in moderation, but I'll stick with glp1's for weight loss.

I like sema because it's cheaper than the others. My plan is to use sema until I'm no longer losing weight, then switch to or add tirz/reta, but that's a bit down the road.

LOTS of great info here and helpful members.
I agree Sema should be the first choice (don't even mention HGH as a weight loss drug), only in case its not working very well for you, try thinking about other choices.
btw. CagriSema looks very interesting atm., from reading studies at least, can't wait to read some real-life experiences...
Perhaps you will lose more with Tirzepatide @Jibberjabz.
Then again, perhaps not, bodies being the highly individual, quirky mechanisms they are :D

What is statistically, objectively true and shown in research studies is that Semaglutide has much stronger appettite suppression than Tirzepatide or Retatrutide for most people. The results shown in the studies which indicate greater weight loss for Tirz and Reta are achieved only at the highest dosages of 10 and 12mg weekly.

At these high dosages the two newer peptides are three or four times more expensive to use than Semagluitide.
At these dosages they both also produce a fair measure of side effects.

I achieved most of my 60 pounds weight loss with Wegovy and research Semaglutide. Neither Tirz nor Reta has been nearly so effective. That's a result of their relative lack of appetite suppression for me.

For everyone who asks (and many who don't) I suggest they start with Semaglutide and stay on it as long as they have appetite supression and lose weight. Only consider changing peptides when those two things are no longer true.

Certainly Your Mileage May Vary @Jibberjabz :)
I agree with what you have stated although I will add that most have more side effects (mainly nausea) with semaglutide vs Tirzepitide. So if you can tolerate semaglutide well it will definitely be the cheaper and effective option. I’m at 10mg Tirz and have had virtually NO side effects!
There are also the new peptides Mazdutide and Survotudide? There are already promising studies on these.
I wonder if those two new ones, Maz and Surv, will have the side effect of fatigue.
I have significant fatigue after Tirz 7.5 mg post-pin days 1 and 2. Can’t see myself going to 10 mg because of this or switching to Cagrilintide either.
But as always, your mileage may vary.

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