Has anyone tried HGH???


Jan 6, 2025
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Hello everyone! New here. I've tried the search function but could not find any review or info in regards to HGH. I've been lookin to getting some from some of the overseas vendors here but prices are really low to the point that it scares me a bit. How are these prices possible? lol. I mean they're like several $$$ here in the US. Has anyone gotten them and tried them yet? I'm looking to buy a kit and actually sending one out for testing. But if someone here with some experience says not to bother then maybe I shouldn't. Thanks in advance guys!
Prices on most everything out of China is significantly lower than the prices for the same item sourced domestically.

But HGH is a controlled substance. You're playing with fire importing it in a way you aren't with the non-controlled peptides.
Hello everyone! New here. I've tried the search function but could not find any review or info in regards to HGH. I've been lookin to getting some from some of the overseas vendors here but prices are really low to the point that it scares me a bit. How are these prices possible? lol. I mean they're like several $$$ here in the US. Has anyone gotten them and tried them yet? I'm looking to buy a kit and actually sending one out for testing. But if someone here with some experience says not to bother then maybe I shouldn't. Thanks in advance guys!
The scam isn’t revealed by the underground lab prices being so low, it’s that the pharma margins are so wildly insane. Research vendors and pick one with a good track record and your risk of getting scammed are quite low. You may also consider looking at a forum called meso-rx (google it), far more HGH users and suppliers over there.
i tried sry HGH. be prepared to gain a ton of water weight really quick. like 7 pounds in a week. i went off it after a week because of that. when i try it again i may combine with some diuretic.
i tried sry HGH. be prepared to gain a ton of water weight really quick. like 7 pounds in a week. i went off it after a week because of that. when i try it again i may combine with some diuretic.
Were you experiencing any actual issues from the water retention or just worried about the weight on the scale?

Some people do experience some actual issues with water retention, such as carpal tunnel, etc. But if you're not, I personally would avoid the diuretic. Adds a bunch of other variables and potential downsides, side effects, etc.

(Of course, I know you'll do whatever you want, so just providing my own personal stance :P)
What dose were you taking?
Water retention is a common side effect for anyone using enough to go above replacement level.

That dosage will depend on you, your current HGH/IGF-1 levels, and how you respond to exogenous GH. From anecdotal reports I've seen, replacement level for most people seems to be about 1-2IU/day
I've never heard of it not stopping.

I put on about 8lb on ipa/tesa boosting my IGF-1 up to the 350s, finished up that cycle last Friday, and I've already lost 4lb of it.
that's good to know. my body has given me a hard stop at 215 so i guess i'll have to get off my ass and start exercising to break thru.

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