Health update. 18 months on grey tirz.


Sep 7, 2024
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New york
So I started this about 18 months ago.

Was 368lbs. Everything hurt. Tired. Braces on both knees. 3 BP meds and still hypertensive. Apnea. Neuropathy. ED. Depressed.

My doctor was frustrated, but wouldn’t prescribe glp1 (or adhd meds. Yep one of those “you need more discipline” types. They also thought I was “drug seeking”. WTF.)

Not like insurance would cover anyways.

So I started telehealth and got my adhd meds, compound tirz and something for the ED.

Switched to grey as soon as I found out it was a thing and slowly titrated up (maybe too slowly).

Long story short, after 18months I just went back to same doctor for first physical in 2 years. Had them run every test they could.

Things were so different she asked if I had someone take the tests for me and I swear she was hitting on me.

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, was in perfect to low range.

I’m down 76 pounds despite no major changes in activity or lifestyle.

I’m off 2 of the 3 bp meds, and my BP was 120/70! A1c, cholesterol, etc etc like someone 20 years younger.

Knees don’t hurt, I can go up stairs without wanting to die. Sleep like a champ. I’ve had a “new” GF for about a year and let’s just say things work far more reliably and the 45 seconds of cardio isn’t life threatening. 😜😜

Went to a social function over the weekend with some ppl I hadn’t seen in a year and apparently I look very different and ppl shared they were getting worried about me.

This stuff is truly life changing and I just wanted to share that. And thank all of you for helping me learn and keeping me both safe and laughing my ass off.

Oh and I guess I’m leading by example and since I started being up front with what I’m doing 4-5 friends have also jumped in and are having success also. Woohoo!

Have a great day y’all. Keep at it. Slow and steady. We are worth it.

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401 in October. 362 today. No major changes. Still trying to develop good habits with exercise. I will keep trying til I am successful. A1C was 7.5 in October, ironically tested right after being prescribed Zepbound for obesity. "Covered" cost was $1000/month. That started me looking into grey only to have the A1C news a week later. Off to Mounjaro I went! $0 copay. Funny how that works...

I ended up looking at the grey market to help my sister who is struggling as well. That's why I am still here. Plus, the whole peptide journey spurred me into other products, and my obsessive nature has me a full blown research "scholar" at this point.

In any case, Checkup a couple weeks ago, all abnormal things have returned to normal. I still have marginally high overall cholesterol, but LDL is normal, so not immediately worried. This "drug" is a god send. I haven't quite gotten everything figured out, and certainly am not as far down the road as you are (only making it about 60 seconds, lol), but stories like yours are super encouraging. Keep up the GREAT work!!

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