Hello! Brand newbie here!


Dec 30, 2024
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Hello! I have been on sema or ritz since May of this year, losing around 100 pounds so far. I am interested in peptides but need an explain like I’m five type intro. I tried to read the link I found in the last post but my brain just zaps after the bac water. That I can understand but it’s like after that I go blank! Maybe o am just too dumb to do this myself and need to find some outside help!
Congrats on the loss. Reconstituting and giving yourself injections is not for everyone. Is there something specific you are not understanding? Or a specific question?

If you have not already read this I would start here:

There will not be a lot of hand-holding in this forum so if you are finding that you need more help I would suggest going to the Telegram group Tirzepatide help. Invite link: https://t.me/+Rpdqj7m08x0yY2Nh.
Congrats on the loss. Reconstituting and giving yourself injections is not for everyone. Is there something specific you are not understanding? Or a specific question?

If you have not already read this I would start here:

There will not be a lot of hand-holding in this forum so if you are finding that you need more help I would suggest going to the Telegram group Tirzepatide help. Invite link: https://t.me/+Rpdqj7m08x0yY2Nh.
Lol what an intro, I really should have written something better.
Lol what an intro, I really should have written something better.
I like it says it shouldn't get you killed. I think there is a tendency to think that there is minimal risk with using peptides but in actuality if you do not know what you are doing you could IN FACT get yourself killed. (I mean how many posts have we already had with people giving themselves 5x the amount they should and essentially overdosing.) I very much appreciate the time and effort you took to make this post.

If you are going to change anything - make it SCARIER!!! lol.
I like it says it shouldn't get you killed. I think there is a tendency to think that there is minimal risk with using peptides but in actuality if you do not know what you are doing you could IN FACT get yourself killed. (I mean how many posts have we already had with people giving themselves 5x the amount they should and essentially overdosing.) I very much appreciate the time and effort you took to make this post.

If you are going to change anything - make it SCARIER!!! lol.
I debated putting dosing charts, but that felt too much like medical advice. It would probably help so we don't get another person dosing sema at tirz doses.
I debated putting dosing charts, but that felt too much like medical advice. It would probably help so we don't get another person dosing sema at tirz doses.
I agree with you on the dosing charts - we would get some person in here thinking that is what they have to follow and I could see it unfortunately creating more questions and issues. Maybe add somewhere in your post (if it is not already) about DOUBLE CHECKING your dose as each GLP-1 is dosed differently?
Maybe then have an example like: if you take 2.5mg of tirzepatide you are relatively safe but if you take 2.5mg of sema you might find yourself in the ER.

I find it frequently in nursing that people think that all medications are dosed the same or on the same scale. Trying to find a way to have that make sense... For example: they are taking Olanzapine 5mg and are getting changed to say thorazine 25mg - they think that they are getting like 5x dose increase when they are not. The medications are dosed differently and they are changing from a starting dose of one antipsychotic to a starting dose of a different one. I hope that made sense.
Maybe then have an example like: if you take 2.5mg of tirzepatide you are relatively safe but if you take 2.5mg of sema you might find yourself in the ER.

I find it frequently in nursing that people think that all medications are dosed the same or on the same scale. Trying to find a way to have that make sense... For example: they are taking Olanzapine 5mg and are getting changed to say thorazine 25mg - they think that they are getting like 5x dose increase when they are not. The medications are dosed differently and they are changing from a starting dose of one antipsychotic to a starting dose of a different one. I hope that made sense.
Nope, makes total sense. My favorite example is people assuming 1 unit is the same as 1 syringe and trying to give a hamster enough antibiotics to drown them.
Nope, makes total sense. My favorite example is people assuming 1 unit is the same as 1 syringe and trying to give a hamster enough antibiotics to drown them.
One unit versus 1 ml for insulin- it has happened. I read about one where it was a nursing student and the instructor SOMEHOW verified it as being correct. The assigned nurse thankfully saw the syringe the student was using (albeit after it was given) but at least they had a heads-up that the pt was going to have their glucose bottom out. Could have killed the patient. Why I said on another post that being off a Zero can kill a person too.

I just worry for all of these peptide nooblets that can't math or do not have basic comprehension and think they are going to successfully do this.
Congrats on the loss. Reconstituting and giving yourself injections is not for everyone. Is there something specific you are not understanding? Or a specific question?

If you have not already read this I would start here:

There will not be a lot of hand-holding in this forum so if you are finding that you need more help I would suggest going to the Telegram group Tirzepatide help. Invite link: https://t.me/+Rpdqj7m08x0yY2Nh.
I get lost with what the dosing means! So I am technically on 12mg tirz and it confuses me to know what that means as a peptide measurement!
I get lost with what the dosing means! So I am technically on 12mg tirz and it confuses me to know what that means as a peptide measurement!
Maybe try to re-phrase or expand your question? I am not understanding what you need help with. Do you mean that you are confused about reconstitution?
I get lost with what the dosing means! So I am technically on 12mg tirz and it confuses me to know what that means as a peptide measurement!
So then, a 60mg vial of tirz would get you 5 doses. The vials contain a certain amount of active ingredient. No matter how much bac water you add, the total mg in the vial doesn't change. So you'd add whatever amount of bac water to the vial, and each dose would be 1/5 of that total amount.
Maybe try to re-phrase or expand your question? I am not understanding what you need help with. Do you mean that you are confused about reconstitution?
Yes I’m sorry! The reconstitution and even how much of the peptide I am supposed to order
12 mg of Tirz is 12 mg of Tirz, whether it comes from a brand name pen, a compound pharmacy, or a peptide.
Ohhhh ok! I was confused about that too! Under the impression that there was a difference! Sorry I am totally oblivious to all of this!
Ohhhh ok! I was confused about that too! Under the impression that there was a difference! Sorry I am totally oblivious to all of this!
I would highly encourage you to join the telegram group for additional support before attempting to do this on your own. It has been said they are welcoming and helpful to someone starting out.

Telegram group Tirzepatide help. Invite link: https://t.me/+Rpdqj7m08x0yY2Nh.

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