Congrats on the loss. Reconstituting and giving yourself injections is not for everyone. Is there something specific you are not understanding? Or a specific question?
If you have not already read this I would start here:
This is your quick run down. It's not perfect but it also shouldn't get you killed. Hopefully. I take no responsibility for your injecting things unintended for human use. Do this at your own risk. I just wanted to make something I can link people to now that compounding is leaving and there's going to be a ton of people with basic questions. I'm stupid, you probably shouldn't listen to me at all, but hey, here you are, you're clearly a risk taker. We like to argue here, so I'm fully expecting someone to reply with every little thing I've gotten wrong within ten minutes of hitting post...
There will not be a lot of hand-holding in this forum so if you are finding that you need more help I would suggest going to the Telegram group Tirzepatide help. Invite link: