I just re-read your post. It seems like you might not understand the substantial learning curve with peptides. You need to reconstitute the freeze-dried powder that comes in a vial (including those from pricey single-vial sellers). There's a lot to doing that, including understanding various metric weight/volume amounts, which you'll plug into online calculators. You'll need some supplies to reconstitute/inject, some of which are a nuisance to get. Etc. You'll need to understand the importance of lab tests on your particular batch of peptide, and possibly contribute towards an independent 3rd-party test so you have a better idea of how many milligrams are actually in the vial (10% extra isn't unusual, and 30% extra has been reported ... you'll want to adjust your dose accordingly so you don't overdo it).
I suggest you not order any peptides at all until you've figured out a comprehensive plan. You can start with the guide linked in
@chmuse's signature (in the post above this one).