Hello everyone first time poster

Vou começar dizendo que ainda não tomei nenhum peptídeo, mas estou cansado do meu peso e vou tentar o Reta. Tenho pesquisado muito nas últimas semanas e só queria alguns conselhos sobre os vendedores com quem estou pensando em ir. Vou escolher o Polarispeptides ou o Skyepeptides. Também descobri que o Erospeptides está vendendo 30mg de Reta por 199, mas tenho quase certeza de que é da China e só quero começar o mais rápido possível. Também não encontrei muita coisa sobre eles online, me avise se souber de alguma coisa sobre eles.

Depois que eu me acostumar a fazer os peptídeos e souber um pouco mais sobre eles. Provavelmente vou pedir de fornecedores chineses para economizar dinheiro. Quanta diferença de preço há? Em média, estou vendo o Reta 10mg sair por cerca de 110-150 de vendedores nacionais.

De qualquer forma, qualquer dica, conselho ou orientação seria bem-vinda, obrigado:)
Boa noite, onde encontrou vendedor nacional ?
No. They have had tests with substandard results, which in almost all cases led to them sending replacements. This method of post-shipment quality control wouldn’t fly with the expensive “exclusive” single vial places who can pre-test because of larger margins and a business model that doesn’t rely on turning around volume as quick and cheap as possible.
The test on Reta is 99.6% is there any other important info I should be taking into account? Also the vials have 7.7mg instead of the advertised 6mg. Idk who to order from so I'm just procrastinating now lol.
Nexha's recent inclusion of a QR code on the packaging is more beneficial to me than a sticker or trinket. One vendor sent me what I initially thought was a prefilled vitamin B shot until I saw my partner writing with it!
Are nexaph, nexa and nexha all different suppliers? I see them all talked about in this thread. I was gonna order from nexaph.com but now I’m worried this isn’t the right site.
One of the things places like that can do is actually pre-test, not just say they will and then stop doing it which is the pattern for the domestic guys doing Chinese kits. Their volume is presumably much lower so they’re not chasing the clock to turn inventory in the same way. Also means their reputation has more value, since that is their only real competitive advantage, not price, so they have more to lose by catching a bad test like Nexa has repeatedly. It’s just a different business model where quality is a critical concern.
Could you please clarify where we ‘caught a bad test repeatedly’? In our entire history, we’ve produced and tested over 100 batches, and only 3 ever had issues:

  1. A failed sterility test for orange cap T15 when we still outsourced production to China. (At the same time, six other vendors—including your preferred vendor, QSC—also failed sterility tests.)
  2. A Reta 12 batch that degraded, which we immediately replaced and reshipped at no cost to all affected customers.
  3. A Tirz 10 batch that also had a degradation issue, replaced and reshipped just as quickly.

All of these issues occurred months ago, but you continue to accuse us of ‘consistently having bad batches.’ If there’s evidence of any additional failures beyond these three instances, please let us know. Otherwise, it’s simply incorrect to say we have frequent quality problems. We maintain rigorous testing and act quickly when rare issues do arise, and we’re happy to answer any fact-based questions about it.
The test on Reta is 99.6% is there any other important info I should be taking into account? Also the vials have 7.7mg instead of the advertised 6mg. Idk who to order from so I'm just procrastinating now lol.
I have ordered Nexaph reta and cagri with no problems and both tested well and performed I will say its ok to order from nexa if you like.

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