Hello fellow pincushions!


New Member
Sep 12, 2023
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Discovered Tirz a few months ago and it changed everything. Walked the maze of forums big and small, escaped Reddit somehow unbanned, landed on the wonderful testing Discord... and then ended up up here!

I really like the idea of a place to talk peptides and GLP1s specifically that has a bit more of a collaborative culture than *cough* meso *cough*, bless their roided-up harm-reduction hearts... but also somewhere the ban hammer isn't waiting for you to slip up and talk sources.

Nice to meet you all!
I think it’s funny how those overly emotional roid heads think us glp users are somehow less valuable to their overseas sources. I would think we are spending more…I don’t see Tracy running us off!
I think it’s funny how those overly emotional roid heads think us glp users are somehow less valuable to their overseas sources. I would think we are spending more…I don’t see Tracy running us off!
I think the fear is more the attention(Facebook complaints, shipping complaints, chargebacks) and lack of research(mg vs ml) that worries them. They’re used to a crowd that understands things are gray and UG for a reason, so they try to self mod folks that threaten their comfort zone.
Perhaps. I’m not seeing too many of those types of questions on there but it’s not like I’m seeing everything.
I think the fear is more the attention(Facebook complaints, shipping complaints, chargebacks) and lack of research(mg vs ml) that worries them. They’re used to a crowd that understands things are gray and UG for a reason, so they try to self mod folks that threaten their comfort zone.
I completely agree.

The amount of misinformation, assumptions, and lack of research is surprising! If they’re adverse to Google, there’s always the library, right? How do people survive out there? lol
Agree that they've got SOME good reasons for keeping their culture unwelcoming, but ...law enforcement is actually pretty well aware. Heck, I'd guess 1/4 of their users are LEO or military too...

There are newsletter mentions, office bulletins, and even academic papers about the existence of these forums and groups, like, lit dating back almost a decade. Authorities just have much bigger fish to fry. And jurisdictionally it's also pretty uncoordinated. So many easier things to go after than a bunch of muscle nerds.

I do get the fear that some newbie is going to end up hospitalized or worse tho. Their hostility to stupid people self-Darwining and bringing attention to their sources makes some sense, but... it's hard to separate that from the macho posturing and in-group chest-beating. It just seems super unnecessary and frankly pretty silly to me.

I'd rather people have somewhere they can ask questions and understand risks vs feeling intimidated and going off and hurting themselves. Sources will be fine, they can take care of themselves -- the one crackdown there was involved a *source* being legitimately stupid, not users.
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