I am feeling very relieved that I found this forum. I find this place very informative and welcome, thank you! As you can see, I'm new to research peptides. I am currently on compound tirzepitide and love it. However, with the way things are going, it isn't promising anymore. I started stocking up on domestic tirz from, Eros and Planet Peptide. I have never had to use it yet. I've stocked up on compound and spent far too much money. I do love the compounds, but they are too expensive, and not going to be around for much longer. I've read a few threads about Eros and Planet Peptide on the forum, and it was very helpful. I'm not ready to purchase overseas yet. I was wondering if anyone has used Eros and Planet Peptide Tirz and can share their experiences with me? I'm new to this and a little anxious. I appreciate any help that you can offer. Ty