Hello :)


Aug 6, 2023
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HI, Just popping on to say hi and thank you for this group. I am more of a "stalker" of these, I do not say much but OMG I so love the transformation stories, I think I cry more than anything with happiness for everyone on the Reddit forum subgroups andf other small forums.

I am a geek and love to learn going down rabbit holes for hours. I am truly fascinated by peptides and cannot get enough knowledge and real live experience hearing about them.

I am 48 perimenopausal ( oh joy) and started "for research only compounded Tirzepatide" at the beginning of July, genetic reasons; dealt a very bad deck of cards and trying everything and anything to make sure I do not get there any faster than I have to.

I come from also a binge eating disorder lifestyle for too many years, hashimotos hypothyroidism since I was 14. Also I was diagnosed with a leptin issue in lame terms I do not have a turn off switch. I have even had leptin injected into me and did not work. I can eat and finish a steak and a flipping cake and still be hungry!

The food noise has absolutely destroyed my life. I fight the demon every hour of the day. I keep active and workout which balances the intake to some degree but as getting older with hormones it just got worse and out of control.
I was creeping up into prediabetic numbers as well and the negative list goes on and on with secondary auto immune disorder.

Of course in Canada it is impossible to get it from a DR in my situation so after endless hours from April to June researching my brains off for a reputable source, I jumped on board and I do not even know how to express my absolute gratitude for this GLP, I feel "normal" for the first time in my life!!!!!!!!!!

My kids have even noticed my mood, I am happy, I am living in the moment and enjoying things, I do not think about food, I do not binge, I pick at my food!!! ME PICK?!!! I never left a scrap! I ate others too'. I laughed so much in the last few weeks, everyone is like who are you?!!

I honestly am so scared to wake up and this all be a dream! My blood sugars are under control, my blood work after only a month has changed significantly, the inflammation in my body has dramatically decreased, joint pain, my skin looks better, like I could go on and on and on. I did this for health first and the weight loss was second and of course that was the icing on the cake ( 12 pounds in 30 days, I think it is all water/inflammation as I only have total about 15 pounds to lose actually I don't care so much about the number I just want the body fat% to keep going down and the muscle % to stay and improve). I started on 2.5 mg weekly but the food noise and hunger was insane at day 5-6. So at 3 weeks I started 2.5mg every 5 days and currently am still there.

BUT the other benefits are so amazing, I feel like I am on the best antidepressant /health supplement ever!! I know this probably sounds so odd but truly the mental struggle itself that owned my life is gone and I sit here sometimes and think " Is this really truly for real" ?!!! I am excited to learn more and more and hear so many amazing stories!
Welcome! I struggled with binge eating as well. Ive read so many books, tried so many things, and this just immediately fixed it. Also saved me a bunch of money on food.
Glad to have you!
Your descriptions of food noise match what goes on in my head to a tee! If you are ever on these boards again, I would be grateful to hear what Chinese suppliers you landed on. It's the trip through Canada Customs that makes me nervous--I've had innocent packages detained and destroyed in the past.
For shipping within Canada I love Arctic, but as my dose ratchets up (I'm definitely no super-responder!) it's getting more and more difficult for me to afford.
Hope you are well!
Your descriptions of food noise match what goes on in my head to a tee! If you are ever on these boards again, I would be grateful to hear what Chinese suppliers you landed on. It's the trip through Canada Customs that makes me nervous--I've had innocent packages detained and destroyed in the past.
For shipping within Canada I love Arctic, but as my dose ratchets up (I'm definitely no super-responder!) it's getting more and more difficult for me to afford.
Hope you are well!
If a customer orders 100 boxes of a certain product, we are willing to negotiate and then ship 10 boxes per day. Even if there is any trouble, the damage to each other will be minimized. This is the wisdom and quality choice from a Chinese wholesaler ASC!