Helloooo from Toronto!


Sep 11, 2024
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Hi, I've posted a couple of times but just realized I never properly introduced myself!

I'm Mopo - I have Hashimoto's disease and have always had a very tough time with my weight! I lost 60lbs in 2012-2013, but sadly with the pandemic + increased alcohol consumption + the unexpected passing of my dad over the past 4-5 years, I gained it all back.

Took a while but finally felt I was ready to commit to losing weight. Was prescribed Ozempic from July 2023-March 2024 and lost zero pounds! I definitely did not respond to it and when my insurance stopped covering it, I gave it up. But somehow I ended up one night down a rabbit hole of glp-1s and discovered this wonderful world. I found this forum in an effort to find a cheap Tirz source (Canadian suppliers are so hard to come by and soooo expensive) and am now reseaching Reta and down 12.4lbs!

Feeling so excited about this journey and this wonderful forum has already been such a great help in the month that I've been here mostly lurking.

I am also 17 days sober after battling an alcohol problem for the past 5 years and cannot stress enough how proud I am and how thankful I am that reta & tirz have helped me get to almost 3 weeks. :)
Really great to have you here.
I understand how frustrating the weight loss/gain yo-yo can be...Can't count the number of times/pounds I have lost and gained. These glp-1's finally give me the hope that we ALL have found something that might finally WORK for long term success.

Congrats on the success your having.❤️
I am also 17 days sober after battling an alcohol problem for the past 5 years and cannot stress enough how proud I am and how thankful I am that reta & tirz have helped me get to almost 3 weeks. :)

Congratulations on your sobriety!

I'm 3 years 5 months and 4 days sober. I've been to many AA meetings and did the step work. Good stuff. I know these peptides really help with the alcohol cravings, but I hope you consider getting to meetings and finding a sponsor.

Sorry to sound like "one of those". It's actually been a while since I was at a meeting. But it can really help in early sobriety to talk about your alcoholism and help you manage your life as a sober person. If you were like me, when you hear GLP-1ers talk about "food noise" you remember and also think about "alcohol noise". If it wasn't drinking, I was thinking about drinking. And when I was drinking, I was thinking about drinking. It was an obsession.

Anyway, meetings are really great. There's lots of Zoom options now too.

Off my soapbox.

I gained weight in sobriety. I turned to food instead of a drink, which is how I wound up packing on some weight. Initially, I lost weight but eventually it came back.

Congratulations on 17 days of sobriety. Another 24 to you.
Congrats to you also (y)
I was just asking another member on here today about if the glp1 helped with their alcohol issue...I have a niece who needs alot of help with both (obesity and alcohol) and am hoping she will find her way to glp1's and it will help with both. Unfortunately she's not ready to seek help with the alcohol issue yet...So I hope she might try glp1's and it will be a "backdoor" to start helping her with alcohol also... 🤞

Thank you!

It seems to me that the GLP1s definitely help with the alcohol cravings. I see that reported as a side effect quite frequently, and I think I saw a small study?

But yeah, overall, people with alcoholism really have to hit bottom. The upside is that you get to pick your bottom. The downside is, there's always another rung lower on the ladder even when you think it can't get any worse. It can get worse. I was quite functional until COVID and I found myself with all kinds of time on my hands. Pre-Covid my routine kept me in check. Sure I'd go to work with a serious hangover, but by the afternoon I was already thinking about drinking again when I'd swore to myself I wasn't going to drink that night in my hungover state.

As far as picking a bottom. Some people never come around. Some figure it out early. Luckily alcohol is a slow killer unlike what we're seeing with the fentanyl crisis.

Not the brightest picture to paint, but I hope your niece figures it out quick. Maybe a good DUI or two and that'll be it. That's a pretty common bottom to pick.
Thanks for your insights.
I hope she finds her way out.
I know all the rest of us can do is be there with a hand if she ever decides to reach for it.
Just not easy to watch it happen. As I said in the other thread I had a friend that couldn't find his way out and ended up dead in his 40's from organ failure.

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