HI! New here w/a few questions


Aug 20, 2024
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New here, but glad i stumbled on this forum!Thought I'd just Lurk & Lern last couple of weeks, but after reading all I could, I'm stuck. If I may ask opinions from those that have changed up their RS peptides....

A little long, sorry....but RS history.
Was on OZ for 9mo until insur. stopped paying. Was down 30lbs in 5mo...10-15 to go. Went 2.5mo w/o before PCP suggested compound.
(As an aside...was convinced OZ broke something, as crazy cravings & NEVER feeling full was a problem those months)
RS did not seem to have any bad side effects, but strangely fixed decades long reflux/stomach problems. Came back once off it.)
Ended at 1mg, but seemed to have plateaued after only 5mo and then only maintained...even after bumping up to 1mg. Then went to compound S @1mg...w/ no real loss, decided to try T from C.Pharmacy. (was labeled Hallendale, which spurred research realizing it was not actually made at pharmacy) Thought T might work better than S, as RS's sibling was very successful on brand T.
Found xcel peptides and bought T-45. worked up to 7.5mg and only just broke previous lower weight seen last Oct. when original OZ Rx ran out.

So. While non-brand has worked...a bit...it took a yr to remove the 10#s put back in that 2.5mo RS was w/o anything. And seems like alot of $ wasted on experiment switching to T, only to just lose maybe 5# in 5mo.

Now RS is out of T and looking to re-order, but not sure if T was disappointing regarding loss and never really felt full or appetite reduced like OZ because needed higher dose than 7.5mg? Or if should just go back to S and try higher dose than 1mg?

I am reading up on others combining and/or going to R? Has that been successful to get over plateau?

If going to buy a kit, or even singles...I'd like to figure out a better game plan before dropping so much $$.

Any insight is appreciated & thank you.
My thoughts are that you should just keep working your way up the semaglutide dosages unless you were having side effects. Dosage can be as high as 2.4mg no? (I use Tirz, so not as familiar with sema)

I'm fairly new to all of this myself, but my initial overall impressions are that people are too quick to jump from one drug to the other, or start stacking stuff. I would think that stacking should be an all-else-failed type of scenario. If Sema was working, then I would just try to see it through to the end.

Patience is hard with this stuff for sure. I'm in month 2 and only now starting to get a hint of success, but it's tough when I see people losing 20-30lbs immediately, while knowing that it's not going to necessarily work like that for everybody.
My thoughts are that you should just keep working your way up the semaglutide dosages unless you were having side effects. Dosage can be as high as 2.4mg no? (I use Tirz, so not as familiar with sema)

I'm fairly new to all of this myself, but my initial overall impressions are that people are too quick to jump from one drug to the other, or start stacking stuff. I would think that stacking should be an all-else-failed type of scenario. If Sema was working, then I would just try to see it through to the end.

Patience is hard with this stuff for sure. I'm in month 2 and only now starting to get a hint of success, but it's tough when I see people losing 20-30lbs immediately, while knowing that it's not going to necessarily work like that for everybody.
Thanks for the quick reply!

Returning to Sema was my thoughts as well. Just due to cost and RS was initially successful those first 5 mo with the 30# loss. Then maintained/5# loss the next 12mo. So, net loss of 25#s in 17mo.
5mo on T and down 5#s. With all the hype, guess expected better results than that tbh.

No real side effects from either, though S does 100% get rid of reflux problems of 20yrs in the RS while T is maybe 80%. Which seems to be an anomaly compared to others experience.
They do seem to work differently though, which wasn't expected since both GLP-1. With S there was no appetite and could only eat half a plate at best. With T, no real suppression. Can eat a full meal no problem...its more of a decision not to.

Again, that could just be due to not having dose right. RS would be happy to just get last 10# off & maintain on minimal dose after to keep reflux away and not get the monster food noise back.

I just ask others experience, since having discovered the kits option, T would not be as cost prohibitive as it was w/ past options if dose was the issue.
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Thanks for the quick reply!

Returning to Sema was my thoughts as well. Just due to cost and RS was initially successful those first 5 mo with the 30# loss. Then maintained/5# loss the next 12mo. So, net loss of 25#s in 17mo.
5mo on T and down 5#s. With all the hype, guess expected better results than that tbh.

No real side effects from either, though S does 100% get rid of reflux problems, while T is maybe 80%. They do seem to work differently though, which wasn't expected since both GLP-1. With S there was no appetite and could only eat half a plate at best. With T, no real suppression. Can eat a full meal no problem...its more of a decision not to.

Again, that could just be due to not having dose right. RS would be happy to just get last 10# off & maintain on minimal dose after to keep reflux away and not get the monster food noise back.
Sema is a stronger GLP1 agonist, but Tirz is GLP1 and GIP. I think Tirz is a little more mental than Sema from what I see people say. For me personally, tirz seems to help control the cravings/impulsive side of eating. I guess that's the "food noise" thing everyone talks about. It's not necessarily that I get full super quick, it's just that my eating decisions seem to be better and less impulsive I guess?

Granted I'm only on 5mg right now, and the effect isn't super strong, but the main thing I'm noticing is that I have a much lower tendency to overeat. It just helps me feel like Im in control of things. It's almost like im not really taking anything, but at the same time I can tell im making better decisions.
Sema is a stronger GLP1 agonist, but Tirz is GLP1 and GIP. I think Tirz is a little more mental than Sema from what I see people say. For me personally, tirz seems to help control the cravings/impulsive side of eating. I guess that's the "food noise" thing everyone talks about. It's not necessarily that I get full super quick, it's just that my eating decisions seem to be better and less impulsive I guess?

Granted I'm only on 5mg right now, and the effect isn't super strong, but the main thing I'm noticing is that I have a much lower tendency to overeat. It just helps me feel like Im in control of things. It's almost like im not really taking anything, but at the same time I can tell im making better decisions.
I would agree with your assessment 100% having used both. Sema cuts any appetite at all, at least initially. And when you do, it's only a few bites...worked up to Much smaller portions. Trying to eat more, if so inclined, will only lead to stomach pain and regret. Either over time or just due to needing dose change, the amount able to eat increases more, but easier to decide not to.

With T, over 5mo and only working up to 7.5mg, perhaps full effect hasn't kicked in. But, I agree that it is more of a decision and not a physical limitation to eat. RS can eat full meals if wanted w/o stomach complaining. But, notice wanting to snack/sweet tooth seems more of an issue than was on S.

The "food noise" is that take it or leave it feeling to food goes away. And it's like every craving comes back. The 2.5mo w/o taking Anything was crazy. RS really did think OZ broke the native mechanism that controls cravings/hunger...because they came back 10-fold. And could not figure out how eating so little for 9mo did not shrink stomach. No matter how large of meals were eaten, compared to the child size ones up to that point, A Full feeling was Never achieved. Like the stomach was now bottomless. RS Never wants to do that again.

Perhaps it was going from 1mg Oz to Nothing cold turkey. Or because the mechanism of slow stomach emptying no longer being there...

Now that RS ran out if T while researching the last 2 weeks, guess will find out if it's as bad w/o again.
I would agree with your assessment 100% having used both. Sema cuts any appetite at all, at least initially. And when you do, it's only a few bites...worked up to Much smaller portions. Trying to eat more, if so inclined, will only lead to stomach pain and regret. Either over time or just due to needing dose change, the amount able to eat increases more, but easier to decide not to.

With T, over 5mo and only working up to 7.5mg, perhaps full effect hasn't kicked in. But, I agree that it is more of a decision and not a physical limitation to eat. RS can eat full meals if wanted w/o stomach complaining. But, notice wanting to snack/sweet tooth seems more of an issue than was on S.

The "food noise" is that take it or leave it feeling to food goes away. And it's like every craving comes back. The 2.5mo w/o taking Anything was crazy. RS really did think OZ broke the native mechanism that controls cravings/hunger...because they came back 10-fold. And could not figure out how eating so little for 9mo did not shrink stomach. No matter how large of meals were eaten, compared to the child size ones up to that point, A Full feeling was Never achieved. Like the stomach was now bottomless. RS Never wants to do that again.

Perhaps it was going from 1mg Oz to Nothing cold turkey. Or because the mechanism of slow stomach emptying no longer being there...

Now that RS ran out if T while researching the last 2 weeks, guess will find out if it's as bad w/o again.

Yeah the rebound effects seem to get most people who take these who don't stay on a maintenance dose from what I've read. I'm sorry you're having to go through that!
Yeah the rebound effects seem to get most people who take these who don't stay on a maintenance dose from what I've read. I'm sorry you're having to go through that!
The RS sibling is using brand T at .25mg every 6wks as maintenance. RS is jealous 😂
Their only side effect is a bad taste when eating for first week. 🤷‍♀️
An option for your RS is to continue with the tirz but also pin a small dose of sema for appetite suppression - small dose as in 0.25mg. The 2 GLPs should not be mixed - pin them separately. You will have to research if tirz and sema dosing should be staggered so that sema hits as tirz appetite suppression begins to wane.

As you’re well aware, each RS will respond to GLPs differently so keep notes on how they are responding and allow adequate time for GLP to work before researching a different protocol.

Best of luck to you and welcome aboard!
An option for your RS is to continue with the tirz but also pin a small dose of sema for appetite suppression - small dose as in 0.25mg. The 2 GLPs should not be mixed - pin them separately. You will have to research if tirz and sema dosing should be staggered so that sema hits as tirz appetite suppression begins to wane.

As you’re well aware, each RS will respond to GLPs differently so keep notes on how they are responding and allow adequate time for GLP to work before researching a different protocol.

Best of luck to you and welcome aboard!
Thank you! I was wondering if the add of sema to T was just to boost the suppression a little more.
Sema is a stronger GLP1 agonist, but Tirz is GLP1 and GIP. I think Tirz is a little more mental than Sema from what I see people say. For me personally, tirz seems to help control the cravings/impulsive side of eating. I guess that's the "food noise" thing everyone talks about. It's not necessarily that I get full super quick, it's just that my eating decisions seem to be better and less impulsive I guess?

Granted I'm only on 5mg right now, and the effect isn't super strong, but the main thing I'm noticing is that I have a much lower tendency to overeat. It just helps me feel like Im in control of things. It's almost like im not really taking anything, but at the same time I can tell im making better decisions.
This is almost exactly my experience with tirz. I’m still in early stages and weight loss has been slow but easy. I make rational decisions about food rather than emotional. Also saw improved blood pressure readings within the first week so those factors make it worth it to me to stay the course with tirz since I’ve had virtually no adverse side effects. I’m sure there is probably a genetic component involved regarding why some people do better on some glp1s vs others. I think slow and steady is key and focusing on other benefits aside from weight loss.
Sema is a stronger GLP1 agonist, but Tirz is GLP1 and GIP. I think Tirz is a little more mental than Sema from what I see people say. For me personally, tirz seems to help control the cravings/impulsive side of eating. I guess that's the "food noise" thing everyone talks about. It's not necessarily that I get full super quick, it's just that my eating decisions seem to be better and less impulsive I guess?

Granted I'm only on 5mg right now, and the effect isn't super strong, but the main thing I'm noticing is that I have a much lower tendency to overeat. It just helps me feel like Im in control of things. It's almost like im not really taking anything, but at the same time I can tell im making better decisions.
Exactly. I agree. Tirz is more mental in my opinion also
New here, but glad i stumbled on this forum!Thought I'd just Lurk & Lern last couple of weeks, but after reading all I could, I'm stuck. If I may ask opinions from those that have changed up their RS peptides....

A little long, sorry....but RS history.
Was on OZ for 9mo until insur. stopped paying. Was down 30lbs in 5mo...10-15 to go. Went 2.5mo w/o before PCP suggested compound.
(As an aside...was convinced OZ broke something, as crazy cravings & NEVER feeling full was a problem those months)
RS did not seem to have any bad side effects, but strangely fixed decades long reflux/stomach problems. Came back once off it.)
Ended at 1mg, but seemed to have plateaued after only 5mo and then only maintained...even after bumping up to 1mg. Then went to compound S @1mg...w/ no real loss, decided to try T from C.Pharmacy. (was labeled Hallendale, which spurred research realizing it was not actually made at pharmacy) Thought T might work better than S, as RS's sibling was very successful on brand T.
Found xcel peptides and bought T-45. worked up to 7.5mg and only just broke previous lower weight seen last Oct. when original OZ Rx ran out.

So. While non-brand has worked...a bit...it took a yr to remove the 10#s put back in that 2.5mo RS was w/o anything. And seems like alot of $ wasted on experiment switching to T, only to just lose maybe 5# in 5mo.

Now RS is out of T and looking to re-order, but not sure if T was disappointing regarding loss and never really felt full or appetite reduced like OZ because needed higher dose than 7.5mg? Or if should just go back to S and try higher dose than 1mg?

I am reading up on others combining and/or going to R? Has that been successful to get over plateau?

If going to buy a kit, or even singles...I'd like to figure out a better game plan before dropping so much $$.

Any insight is appreciated & thank you.
My 2 cents...I agree that you should go back to what worked. These meds differ greatly from person to person. I agree to titrate up..see if that helps. I wouldn't stack unless it doesn't work. No reason to introduce something into your system until you have tried. Plus the extra cost. And honestly then it wouldn't be Tirz I would try...alot of people have great results with Cagri added at a very small dose. Talking .125...
Thanks for your 2 cents!

There was lose on Sema, but really only the first few months, then it stalled for the rest of the time. 7mo with no loss, just maintaining +/-5lbs got fustrating. Gave it 12mo. Then switched hoping for better results. Guess that's what I'm trying to figure out....if it's just a dosage issue.
RS likes that T is more mental w/o physical restrictions on eating, but needs a boost of appetite suppression.
But if add Cargi or sema to obtain that....is T really doing anything? 🤔 guess cutting the "noise".

RS also worries about the reports of others having paralyzed stomachs & pancreas, ect as bad side effects from sema. Not sure if those become more of a risk at hight doses.
Thanks for your 2 cents!

There was lose on Sema, but really only the first few months, then it stalled for the rest of the time. 7mo with no loss, just maintaining +/-5lbs got fustrating. Gave it 12mo. Then switched hoping for better results. Guess that's what I'm trying to figure out....if it's just a dosage issue.
RS likes that T is more mental w/o physical restrictions on eating, but needs a boost of appetite suppression.
But if add Cargi or sema to obtain that....is T really doing anything? 🤔 guess cutting the "noise".

RS also worries about the reports of others having paralyzed stomachs & pancreas, ect as bad side effects from sema. Not sure if those become more of a risk at hight doses.
Well, 1mg is on the lower half of sema doses. You had several steps left before maxing out. When people plateau, that's the sign to move up to the next dose. If you're worried about side effects, then maybe stick with Tirz, which also has several steps after 7.5 if you plateaued there.

There are certainly people who see big results with lower dosages, but a lot of people have to keep moving up to higher dosages to see the best results. You may very likely not see good results with any of these meds if you're only willing to take up to half the max recommended dosage.
Well, 1mg is on the lower half of sema doses. You had several steps left before maxing out. When people plateau, that's the sign to move up to the next dose. If you're worried about side effects, then maybe stick with Tirz, which also has several steps after 7.5 if you plateaued there.

There are certainly people who see big results with lower dosages, but a lot of people have to keep moving up to higher dosages to see the best results. You may very likely not see good results with any of these meds if you're only willing to take up to half the max recommended dosage.
That is true...

Thank you for all your insight and reply 😊
Thanks for your 2 cents!

There was lose on Sema, but really only the first few months, then it stalled for the rest of the time. 7mo with no loss, just maintaining +/-5lbs got fustrating. Gave it 12mo. Then switched hoping for better results. Guess that's what I'm trying to figure out....if it's just a dosage issue.
RS likes that T is more mental w/o physical restrictions on eating, but needs a boost of appetite suppression.
But if add Cargi or sema to obtain that....is T really doing anything? 🤔 guess cutting the "noise".

RS also worries about the reports of others having paralyzed stomachs & pancreas, ect as bad side effects from sema. Not sure if those become more of a risk at hight doses.
With that much of a stall you should have upped the dose. I want to say usually but there isn't a usually with these meds since they work so differently case per case..but...if stalled I would have upped in 4-6 weeks into the stall...by chance are you measuring? Alot of the time we focus on weight when our bodies are actually changing. I went down 2 pants sizes and 15 inches overall with no weight difference.
Cagri ( for most) has very strong suppression. Be careful. Some it doesn't work until you have titrated up. But!!! It can make you very sick if you did not start low.
Honestly I would ask some of the others for what they have heard on the medical issues. They are much more read than I am on that.
I believe I am one of the lucky ones. I've been on Tirz 2.5 since May 1 and have lost thirty three pounds. My co-workers think I should go up because I have been wavering+/- 1# for a few weeks. The thing is I don't have a huge appetite.
My 2 cents...I agree that you should go back to what worked. These meds differ greatly from person to person. I agree to titrate up..see if that helps. I wouldn't stack unless it doesn't work. No reason to introduce something into your system until you have tried. Plus the extra cost. And honestly then it wouldn't be Tirz I would try...alot of people have great results with Cagri added at a very small dose. Talking .125...

I think I will go back to Sema, both for cost and the reflux alleviation....which is an issue right this minute & reminding me 😕

Question now is, start from scratch at .25mg and titerate up on a faster schedule? I am certain RS can't just pick up where left of now, but nor would want to repeat a 4wk interval like previously.
I believe I am one of the lucky ones. I've been on Tirz 2.5 since May 1 and have lost thirty three pounds. My co-workers think I should go up because I have been wavering+/- 1# for a few weeks. The thing is I don't have a huge appetite.
My sister did the same, lost a ton of weight on munjauro. She is now a size 2 and I think lost too much. She is stretching her maintenance dose of 2.5mg to every 8wks, but said appetite starts to be a problem around 6wks in. Not sure if different w/ brand or if just her body works at low dose.

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