

Aug 2, 2023
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Hi! I'm "jipax". The user name came from a burner email I used to sign up for red for some reason. And then I just kept it.

I'm a 30s f, 5'6, SW 190, CW 171, GW 145-150. I went straight to research peptides because we were preparing and just completed a cross country move to Nashville. We are waiting for the job that required the move to kick in the insurance coverage. I was also not quite obese in my BMI when starting or knowingly T2D, so my ability to get MJ covered would be questionable. I have something similar to PCOS though, and that affects my metabolism and ability to lose weight, and I had signs of IR. My frame is also very small/narrow and I'm hypermobile, so my body can't support much weight. I start experiencing obesity-related issues at lower weights than most.

Other than tz I am on B12 injections as of today and will start BPC157 when my daily schedule is a little more set (pinning it on an injury site). I'm thankful to all of you for making this educational material available!

I’m thinking about starting b12 too. How was giving the inject?
I did it subq, since I found enough sources saying there's no reason to do it IM and subq will result in the same absorption. So it was fine. Just like tz. We'll see if I get an ISR
Please let us know if the subq works just as well. My 1” IM needles just arrived. I would much rather do subq. My stats are similar to yours. 50s f, 5’8”, SW188, CW174 GW 150
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I did it subq, since I found enough sources saying there's no reason to do it IM and subq will result in the same absorption. So it was fine. Just like tz. We'll see if I get an ISR
I've read the same, and plan on going the subq route as well since sublingual hasn't been helping and now that I'm on 10mg I've really started to feel the fatigue set in at times.
Please let us know if the subq works just as well. My 1” IM needles just arrived. I would much rather do subq. My stats are similar to yours. 50s f, 5’8”, SW188, CW174 GW 150
will do! no ISR so far. interestingly no ISR with the tz either (pinned both yesterday but on opposite sides) although I did apply flonase to that site immediately after, as someone suggested on red. i did start a new vial yesterday, so i am wondering if something was just off in the previous 2 tz vials. i believe the 10 white tops I have/had are all from the same q batch that a US reseller cleared out
Just make sure that if you are taking high doses of B-12 that you don’t have the MTHFR gene mutation. I started taking sub-q B-12 which made me sick & it took me awhile to figure out it was partially because having the MTHFR gene mutation.
Just make sure that if you are taking high doses of B-12 that you don’t have the MTHFR gene mutation. I started taking sub-q B-12 which made me sick & it took me awhile to figure out it was partially because having the MTHFR gene mutation.
Thanks for sharing that precaution! I'm curious if you are still able to safely take other forms of supplemental B12? Also curious what kind of test is required to determine if you have the MTHFR gene mutation? (Yes, I know I could google it, but it's always cool to hear from someone with personal experience.)
Just make sure that if you are taking high doses of B-12 that you don’t have the MTHFR gene mutation. I started taking sub-q B-12 which made me sick & it took me awhile to figure out it was partially because having the MTHFR gene mutation.
were you taking cyano b12 or methyl? I chose methyl because I also have a partial mutation.
I was also not obese, but was overweight. Also hypermobile as well.
I think eventually tirz will be approved for many thing besides diabetes and obesity (or at least commobly used for other conditions off label). So thankful for these research options.
Thanks for sharing that precaution! I'm curious if you are still able to safely take other forms of supplemental B12? Also curious what kind of test is required to determine if you have the MTHFR gene mutation? (Yes, I know I could google it, but it's always cool to hear from someone with personal experience.)
I’ve been doing more blood work recently than I’ve ever done, trying to figure out health related issues. I noticed that since 2018 (oldest blood work I could find in my records), that my B-12 levels were always really high +2000 (whatever the measurement is of B12 which actually doesn’t indicate that they are high, just abnormal), which made me start researching and it turns out that people with the MTHFR mutation can’t process B12 & folate well.
Thanks for sharing that precaution! I'm curious if you are still able to safely take other forms of supplemental B12? Also curious what kind of test is required to determine if you have the MTHFR gene mutation? (Yes, I know I could google it, but it's always cool to hear from someone with personal experience.)
Thanks for sharing that precaution! I'm curious if you are still able to safely take other forms of supplemental B12? Also curious what kind of test is required to determine if you have the MTHFR gene mutation? (Yes, I know I could google it, but it's always cool to hear from someone with personal experience.)
And hey it’s my pleasure Mr DooDah! Mutations in the MTHFR gene can affect the body’s ability to process amino acids — namely, homocysteine — which can lead to some adverse health outcomes. For me, I am in my early 40’s and am very healthy, health conscious, stopped drinking 7 years ago (due to always getting migraines immediately after a sip of any kind of alcohol) & yet have struggled with neuropathy pain, POTS, abnormal B12 levels (even when supplementing with the correct forms of B12) & after taking 2 long flights, I’m almost certain that I had painful blood clots in my calves. I exercise daily & used to be a dancer, so not knowing what was causing all of my pain & other health issues caused me to start googling my symptoms. After getting C*vid seriously a few times, I became prediabetic & again, since no Doctors had any solutions for me other than Metformin, I ordered lab work from a lab in Massachusetts called Empower & had them test me & low & behold, I am a mutant. Ahem, I mean, I have the gene mutation lol. And I’m glad I remembered the name of this forum again (brain fog lol). I got lost in all of the other branches of all of these groups on different apps & platforms, but I’m glad to be back over here. Feel free to ask any more questions!
Methyl and my levels are still really abnormal. Does Methyl work for you & if so, what brand?
Too early in my journey with injectable methyl to speak much to how it's working. it may be a few months before i can have my levels tested because we are switching insurance with my partner's new job and employee-based ins. I do feel good though. I am not popping as many caffeine pills as I usually did to get through a day pre-tz, but I think the tz had a big part in kicking some of that fatigue

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