How Do I Start Weight Training? Explain it to Me Like I'm Five.

off topic but i used to watch this show called "The Magicians" and there was a character named Bacchus (God of Revelry) who was quite the character and every time I read a comment of yours I'm picturing this guy talking.
I looooved The Magicians !!
And that character was SO funny…he was like if ADHD was a person & on drugs….. 😂😂
I love all of these suggestions!

I have a question for those of you that have been weight training with success for a long time….

So, real quick, my situation. All of my younger years were spent in serious swimming…but with that comes a coach, to guide you, make up your workouts etc. And it is just a different kind of workout vs. weight training/ strength building…

Life circumstances led to excessive weight gain, could not get it off for literally anything, then the magic of GLP-1’s, I have lost 65lbs, but have been in a stall for quite some time (months & on the highest dose of Tirz), and I want to start building my strength back and get more toned.
I also think it could help break my stall… I only want to lose another 20-25lbs ish….but being strong matters to me more than the scale, especially my core, where it seems I have lost all strength!

BUT what keeps messing me up from getting going with any program is how incredibly sore I get after lifting from just 1 or 2 workouts ! 😩

All the things I read on strength training say not to lift again when you are still sore, cause your muscles are rebuilding, but if that soreness lasts 2, 3, or 4 days, what do you do? (I foam roll, use a massage gun, drink lots of water)

Do you just lift anyway and eventually you will stop getting so sore?

I know that being consistent is an absolute must for this to work…
So looking for some advice on how to get more consistent even when this happens..
Thank you!!