How much stock do you all keep? Realistic time to keep unprepared Tirz?

Yes, I believe most peptides are. There could be an exception. Or are you referring to the cases?🤔😂
Yes, I meant the cases. I may be being too anal retentive but I’ve read that also keeping the humidity at bay is also important to preserving the quality of the peptide.
Yes, I meant the cases. I may be being too anal retentive but I’ve read that also keeping the humidity at bay is also important to preserving the quality of the peptide.
Understand. It’s a lot of money to buy these and hope they will stay good in the freezer. I really don’t know how well these cases are in that regard. But prior I just had them in the package they arrived in. Lately I’ve seen some mention vacuum sealing. I guess I could always vacuum seal the cases I wouldn’t plan to use in a long time.🤔
I think I saw you post a cool insulated pep freezer storage container on Telegram. Can you tell me where you got it?
Peppytheprawn made it for me. You can find him on Peppys or the Makers Discord.

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