Winstrol is a cutting compound, never tried it but they say if ur body fat isn't 20% or less, you'll see no results. Tren has never been approved for humans. Created for cattle riding cross country so they didn't lose 60% of body weight before slaughter. Amazing compound, lots of side effects, one being a chronic insane sex driveU hafta run it with test cuz it shuts you down like every steroid. I ran it and one summer I was out on the road driving and only made the gym once a week, still my traps blew up, couldn't believe I looked that swole in my 50's.... most aas will raise BP, and fuck up your hdl, triglycerides, hematocrit, etc... young man's game, don't recommend. If anything consider trt which is testosterone supplementation, 100% legal and after learning the ropes u could buy it here for 10 and 15 bucks a vial and skip the 199 and 250 a month. I will say when I took test I only gained weight, the sema couldn't compete with the constant hunger like an 18 year old..... I'd spend 4 months on meso researching compounds before considering anything. ....sorry for the long response.