Increased Fatigue After Dose Increase - Seeking Advice on Tirzepatide Side Effects


New Member
Jul 24, 2024
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I’ve just entered my third month of using tirzepatide and recently increased my dose to 7.5mg per week. Up until this point, I haven’t experienced many side effects, but since the dose increase, I’ve noticed a significant increase in daytime fatigue and sleepiness. I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar at this dosage?

Could this be due to the higher dose? I’m trying to figure out whether I should reduce the dosage, give it more time to adjust, or maybe consider using another peptide to help counter this side effect.

For context, I’ve already lost 10kg, but I still need to lose about 15kg more. Any recommendations or experiences would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!
Did you increase your dose because your current dose stopped working, or did you just increase to follow the recommended schedule? If your previous dose was working you should be fine to go back to it, or maybe try something in between. Some people, myself included, like to dose every 5 days instead of 7 and that seems to help. I personally like to increase my dose 0.5-1mg at a time instead of jumping the 2.5 and I seem to have avoided most side effects this way.
I had fatigue the first 3 months on Sema. It eventually went away. I found taking a walk was hard in the beginning but I always felt better after 15 minutes or so.

It goes away for most people I believe.
Do you take any B vitamins? A lot of people here swear by B12, but I just take regular "B Complex" + "Centrum Multivitamin + Minerals" and it makes a difference too! Anyway, from your post it is obvious that the cause is the recently increased dose, as @moonpies4misfits suggested playing around with the dose is probably the best you can do. But do not underestimate the need for vitamins & minerals + electrolytes & fluids too.
I also want to add.... Holy hell the fatigue. I took my first dose of CN supplied tirz at bed time last night. I was previously using compounded that had b12. I am EXHAUSTED this morning. I have no will to live (joking. Kinda). I will be sourcing some b12 IMMEDIATELY at any cost 😅
I also want to add.... Holy hell the fatigue. I took my first dose of CN supplied tirz at bed time last night. I was previously using compounded that had b12. I am EXHAUSTED this morning. I have no will to live (joking. Kinda). I will be sourcing some b12 IMMEDIATELY at any cost 😅
Yea I understand ugh....
This is a very dumb question. But which day do you do count as day 1? I do my injection at bed time. In my brain (AuDHD) the day I do the injection is day zero and the following evening is day 1. Just curious how others do their calculations.

Not dumb but a good question. 5 day schedules get confusing because you're constantly walking back the day-of-week.

I also want to add.... Holy hell the fatigue. I took my first dose of CN supplied tirz at bed time last night. I was previously using compounded that had b12. I am EXHAUSTED this morning. I have no will to live (joking. Kinda). I will be sourcing some b12 IMMEDIATELY at any cost 😅

Not a recommendation, but had a good price on lyophilized b vitamins in a 10 pack kit.

New vendor, seemed to have good reviews on the steroid forums.
I think of them as the day after is 1 day completed...Makes since since on a normal schedule you take it every 7 days...So if you take your shot on Sunday...Mon-1 Tue-2 Wed-3 Thu-4 Fri-5 Sat-6 Sun-7 :)

Also since I use a shorter than 7 day dosing schedule I added it to my google calendar as an all day event with a notification... Example...I put it in as Tirz (10mg 25units)
So then my phone tells me what dose I am taking on which days... I have had as many as 4 different peptides in my phone running different schedules. If I need to change a dose amount I just edit the the next entry and tell it this one and ALL future entries.
I’ve just entered my third month of using tirzepatide and recently increased my dose to 7.5mg per week. Up until this point, I haven’t experienced many side effects, but since the dose increase, I’ve noticed a significant increase in daytime fatigue and sleepiness. I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar at this dosage?

Could this be due to the higher dose? I’m trying to figure out whether I should reduce the dosage, give it more time to adjust, or maybe consider using another peptide to help counter this side effect.

For context, I’ve already lost 10kg, but I still need to lose about 15kg more. Any recommendations or experiences would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!
Absolutely it could be the increased dose. I have the same plus upset stomach and chills on and off.
I keep thinking about adding B12 but haven't yet.
Also if you were losing on the lower dose I would not be in a hurry to increase it. I does increase the likely hood of adverse effects with each increase. ;)
Absolutely it could be the increased dose. I have the same plus upset stomach and chills on and off.
I keep thinking about adding B12 but haven't yet.
Also if you were losing on the lower dose I would not be in a hurry to increase it. I does increase the likely hood of adverse effects with each increase. ;)
I definitely had fewer chills and less exhaustion when I was on compounded that had b12. Currently waiting for my b12 to be delivered in hopes I can stop being a popsicle
I definitely had fewer chills and less exhaustion when I was on compounded that had b12. Currently waiting for my b12 to be delivered in hopes I can stop being a popsicle
Do you remember what the blend numbers were on the compounded?

I brought up the possibility of getting b12 with my PCP at last visit and didn't feel like it really was going anywhere. So eventually when I get around to it I may have to write myself a personal script from PepOhioPrivateScripts (©️™️ ;)) and just order some.
My understanding is that sublingual b12 is as effective as other routes.

My last test my b12 and D were non existent, hoping my supplements are helping. Will know in a month.
My understanding is that sublingual b12 is as effective as other routes.

My last test my b12 and D were non existent, hoping my supplements are helping. Will know in a month.
Thanks. I will probaly look into that also then. Would appreciate if you let us know how it worked in a month if you think about it.
Only real issue for me doing it this way is, I REALLY REALLY like giving myself shots! 🤷‍♂️ ;)