Is compound Tirezepatide weaker than retail ZepBound?

I'm all in on making informed choices about peptides.

My attempt at being helpful is a Quality vs Price comparison spreadsheet of US Peptide vendors.
I began compiling it when I saw the end of insured Wegovy rapidly approaching.
There is a bit of a preamble then a link to a Google Drive permalink.
Feel free to make suggestions for improvement, it's a work in progress:

" When I lost my group insurance I searched for low-cost Wegovy replacements. I found huge price differences between vendors, and, QA practices that varied widely.

To be helpful I compiled my results on 20+ US GLP-1 vendors who will sell single vials. Prices are shown for research Semaglutide, Tirzepatide and Retrutatide. Color coding and QA Notes have relevant Quality Info.

The PREFERRED, MOST TRANSPARENT Quality Assurance for peptide users is a Batch Certificate of Anaysis (COA) prepared by an Independent 3rd Party laboratory that is Current, Credible AND LINKED TO EVERY VIAL (LTEV) SOLD. The linking may be by batch number on the vial label, printed QR code hyperlinked to an online COA, or by a naming convention which uniquely identifies the product as part of a unique COA'd batch. Some *** vendors do all three things.

A COA shows the IDENTITY, PURITY and QUANTITY of peptide present in the sample vial. PURITY of product must be Pharmaceutical Grade per the United States Pharmacoepeia (USP) i.e. above 99% pure. QUANTITY MUST BE SPECIFIED AS IT IS ESSENTIAL to obtaining the correct dosage when you reconstitute lypophilized peptides. Some vendors omit QUANTITY as it would reveal their under-dosed, weak and therefore more profitable product offerings - you should not purchase from these vendors.

*** VENDORS with COAs LTEV are considered Highest Quality, marked with a triple asterisk (***) and are sorted to first on this spreadsheet. Strongly consider these vendors if buying the most highly Quality Assured GLP-1 product is your goal.

GREEN = GOOD - HAS PRESENT Current Credible 3RD Party Certificate Of Analysis (COA) showing Identity, Purity and Quantity of peptide. Not necessarily LTEV but observable onsite.

YELLOW = CAUTION - LACKS Current Credible 3RD Party COA OR Has Unsatisfactory Processes OR there is notable, credible negative reporting by users. This last is my own observation and is subjective.

YELLOW/GREEN = MIXED RESULTS Check QA notes for further information before making a purchase.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Information was obtained by organic Google Searches and my own non-medical-professional observations. It is believed accurate at posted DATE on spreadsheet but not guaranteed. My wife's Semaglutide comes from Aminos Research while my own Semaglutide, Tirzepatide and Retatrutide has come partially from Aminos Research and also from other less well QA'd sources. I do not accept any form of compensation from any source, and, I prefer not to 'recommend' individual vendors.

Guys -- I don't think everyone realizes what a useful spreadsheet this is. Dionysos really went above and beyond by creating it. And, in a self-less manner, he shares it with us. This Forum is quite the genuine support group!
Guys -- I don't think everyone realizes what a useful spreadsheet this is. Dionysos really went above and beyond by creating it. And, in a self-less manner, he shares it with us. This Forum is quite the genuine support group!
Humbling @Approach

" I myself am made entirely of flaws
stitched together with good intentions. " Augustin Burroughs
I am wondering this right now, I got my first ever vial of Tirz, reconstituted it properly and started slow to assess side effects. First day 1 mg, then 4 days later 1 mg, another 3 days in, 1 mg, then 3 days later 1.5 mg. I’ve only had really mild effects and only one day did I feel slightly nauseous for about 3 hours one evening. My serum concentration should reach 3 mg at points since I’m doing the split doses. But being naive to any glp’s, I’m surprised there’s so little appetite and food noise suppression.

I got my vial from a us-side gray market, ResearchROI at $50 for 10mg, as it’s my first dip into peptides and I wanted a quick and easy way to try it. Once I’ve determined some formulation that works for me I plan to use the direct suppliers.

Am I just being impatient 12 days in and need to reach 5-7 mg or more before assessing efficacy or could my batch be weak in some way? I really hoped to be able to have some results on lower doses.
Am I just being impatient 12 days in and need to reach 5-7 mg or more before assessing efficacy or could my batch be weak in some way? I really hoped to be able to have some results on lower doses.
What is the basis for your “hope”? It must be quite substantial!

Disregarding the extensive, expensive research studies that established an effective dosing protocol for Tirzepatide is certainly a choice one can make. The expectation that fractions of a recommended initial dosage should somehow be effective or the supplied medication must be weak is magical thinking.

Follow the maker’s recommended dosage protocol Dionysian. Three research studies and tens of millions of Tirzepatide users have found it to be effective.
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Good points, Dionysus. I had read some posts and web entries on microdosing GLP’s, or people who are just so sensitive that they had results with in low doses and remain on 1-2mg with the desired results. But that would not be consistent with the dosing protocol we have from studies and most people will likely respond in the averages the studies show. I will continue to be patient and titrate to proper doses, and thank my lucky stars I’m not experiencing unpleasant side effects yet.
Good points, Dionysus. I had read some posts and web entries on microdosing GLP’s, or people who are just so sensitive that they had results with in low doses and remain on 1-2mg with the desired results. But that would not be consistent with the dosing protocol we have from studies and most people will likely respond in the averages the studies show. I will continue to be patient and titrate to proper doses, and thank my lucky stars I’m not experiencing unpleasant side effects yet.
I feel like the people who have really bad reactions on tiny doses are just the loudest. Someone who doesn't experience many negative side effects wouldn't really post about that, because there's nothing to mention.

I had hardly any intended effects of Tirzepatide until I got up to 7.5mg, and there are so many people like me. Some people don't get results until 10mg or higher. I dosed normally that whole time, 2.5mg, 5mg, 7.5mg, etc. Then, when I felt the 7.5mg had become less effective after a few months, I started reading about moving up in smaller steps so that you don't get to the max dose so quickly, so I thought I'd try that since that was a concern I was having. I went to 8.5mg for 3 weeks - nothing. 9mg for 3 weeks - nothing. Went to 10mg and honestly, I feel like I fucked up doing that and probably wasted some of the meds, because for 6 weeks there I was having absolutely no success. Being on 10mg seems to be doing okay, but I wish I'd gone straight to 10mg from 7.5mg to begin with. When I titrate up again, I'll go straight to 12.5, because that's just what my body has shown me it needs.

I'd start with the recommended dosing and then adjust down if you end up being one of those few people who suffer badly from nausea and other I'll effects. To me, it's silly to take a fraction of the recommended dose and still expect it to work. Most people will not have success going that route.
There are no recent news articles, and the "issue" is that one of the major telehealth companies bought their own compounding pharmacy and are being dishonest about why they are moving customers to that new pharmacy so it doesn't appear like the big money grab that it is.

Yeah, there was some buzz about it on Reddit over the past several days, but on digging it turns out that the "regulatory action" was from 2022 when Hallandale was in the middle of moving to a new facility. Of course Mochi forgets to tell you that they started the transition to Aequita months ago and only continued using Hallandale for states where Aequita wasn't yet licensed. Once the licenses were in place they decided to stop paying Hallandale for orders that customers had already paid for and came up with this neat lie to cover their tracks...

Here's a couple interesting links and some pix:

View attachment 872
View attachment 870

This is how Mochi/Aequita ship their meds, using freeze pops to aid in cooling:
View attachment 871

And this is how Hallandale ships their meds:
View attachment 869
I use Mochi Health and like them. However, I saw what they wrote about Hallandale and it was utterly unconvincing in explaining that there is a problem at Hallandale. It would have been far better if Mochi Health had transitioned to Aequita more smoothly. Had Mochi refrained from attacking Hallandale, the reputation of Mochi and and Aequita would be much better.
I'm all in on making informed choices about peptides.

My attempt at being helpful is a Quality vs Price comparison spreadsheet of US Peptide vendors.
I began compiling it when I saw the end of insured Wegovy rapidly approaching.
There is a bit of a preamble then a link to a Google Drive permalink.
Feel free to make suggestions for improvement, it's a work in progress:

" When I lost my group insurance I searched for low-cost Wegovy replacements. I found huge price differences between vendors, and, QA practices that varied widely.

To be helpful I compiled my results on 20+ US GLP-1 vendors who will sell single vials. Prices are shown for research Semaglutide, Tirzepatide and Retrutatide. Color coding and QA Notes have relevant Quality Info.

The PREFERRED, MOST TRANSPARENT Quality Assurance for peptide users is a Batch Certificate of Anaysis (COA) prepared by an Independent 3rd Party laboratory that is Current, Credible AND LINKED TO EVERY VIAL (LTEV) SOLD. The linking may be by batch number on the vial label, printed QR code hyperlinked to an online COA, or by a naming convention which uniquely identifies the product as part of a unique COA'd batch. Some *** vendors do all three things.

A COA shows the IDENTITY, PURITY and QUANTITY of peptide present in the sample vial. PURITY of product must be Pharmaceutical Grade per the United States Pharmacoepeia (USP) i.e. above 99% pure. QUANTITY MUST BE SPECIFIED AS IT IS ESSENTIAL to obtaining the correct dosage when you reconstitute lypophilized peptides. Some vendors omit QUANTITY as it would reveal their under-dosed, weak and therefore more profitable product offerings - you should not purchase from these vendors.

*** VENDORS with COAs LTEV are considered Highest Quality, marked with a triple asterisk (***) and are sorted to first on this spreadsheet. Strongly consider these vendors if buying the most highly Quality Assured GLP-1 product is your goal.

GREEN = GOOD - HAS PRESENT Current Credible 3RD Party Certificate Of Analysis (COA) showing Identity, Purity and Quantity of peptide. Not necessarily LTEV but observable onsite.

YELLOW = CAUTION - LACKS Current Credible 3RD Party COA OR Has Unsatisfactory Processes OR there is notable, credible negative reporting by users. This last is my own observation and is subjective.

YELLOW/GREEN = MIXED RESULTS Check QA notes for further information before making a purchase.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Information was obtained by organic Google Searches and my own non-medical-professional observations. It is believed accurate at posted DATE on spreadsheet but not guaranteed. My wife's Semaglutide comes from Aminos Research while my own Semaglutide, Tirzepatide and Retatrutide has come partially from Aminos Research and also from other less well QA'd sources. I do not accept any form of compensation from any source, and, I prefer not to 'recommend' individual vendors.

I know it's an old thread, but do you have the permalink somewhere else? Can't find it, and I think this is good info I'd like to read.

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