Is going on and off GLP1 drugs in short cycles safe?


Mar 3, 2025
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Here is the timeline of my use of these drugs:

Ozempic April 2023 - July 2023 (reached 1mg, lost the weight then came off it)

Ozempic again after regaining the weight: Jan 2024 - April 2024 (same thing, reached 1mg, lost the weight then quit)

Ozempic, 3rd time: July 2024 - August 2024 (reached 0.5mg then quit, this time due to financial issues)

Mounjaro October 2024 - Feb 2025 (10mg, lost the weight then quit)

Basically, for almost 2 years now I've been in a cycle of going on a GLP1, losing the weight, quitting the drug, regaining the weight, then going back on a GLP1. Is this safe or could I be causing some harm? I ask because I've developed stomach issues lately and I wonder if the GLP1 use was a factor. I want to go back on Ozempic or Mounjaro now because (surprise) I've gained the weight back again.
Here is the timeline of my use of these drugs:

Ozempic April 2023 - July 2023 (reached 1mg, lost the weight then came off it)

Ozempic again after regaining the weight: Jan 2024 - April 2024 (same thing, reached 1mg, lost the weight then quit)

Ozempic, 3rd time: July 2024 - August 2024 (reached 0.5mg then quit, this time due to financial issues)

Mounjaro October 2024 - Feb 2025 (10mg, lost the weight then quit)

Basically, for almost 2 years now I've been in a cycle of going on a GLP1, losing the weight, quitting the drug, regaining the weight, then going back on a GLP1. Is this safe or could I be causing some harm? I ask because I've developed stomach issues lately and I wonder if the GLP1 use was a factor. I want to go back on Ozempic or Mounjaro now because (surprise) I've gained the weight back again.
I would pay attention to the stomach issues. I know ozempic is fairly cheap but I'd start checking into some other glp1.
Here is the timeline of my use of these drugs:
Welcome to the forum and thanks for your honesty!

First off what @Nikki nik said! If you're not currently on a GLP it's likely your stomach issues are a medical issue and not the result of a GLP.

You've gained the weight back since February?? How much weight are we talking about here? I'm guessing it's not much based on your brief periods on the med.

I 100% believe that any GLP (including Reta) purchased through the gray market will actually save you money. You order less in restaurants and spend way less on groceries.

Did you find the medication as effective each time you went back on it? If you choose to lose on Tirz again for example you'll be out $7.50/wk at maximum dose (which it doesn't sound like you'll need to reach). Maintenance of 2.5mg or so weekly will cost $1.25/wk. Weight gain costs exponentially more than that. It makes financial sense to take a maintenance dose next time around.

After you figure out what's going on with your stomach 😉
I am just curious about how much weight we are talking. You're losing "all the weight" in 2-3 months and gaining it "all" back again in about the same time. I've been doing research since Fall and more often than not read that you have to stay on it on a maintenance dose unless you are very strict when coming off.
Welcome to the forum and thanks for your honesty!

First off what @Nikki nik said! If you're not currently on a GLP it's likely your stomach issues are a medical issue and not the result of a GLP.

You've gained the weight back since February?? How much weight are we talking about here? I'm guessing it's not much based on your brief periods on the med.

I 100% believe that any GLP (including Reta) purchased through the gray market will actually save you money. You order less in restaurants and spend way less on groceries.

Did you find the medication as effective each time you went back on it? If you choose to lose on Tirz again for example you'll be out $7.50/wk at maximum dose (which it doesn't sound like you'll need to reach). Maintenance of 2.5mg or so weekly will cost $1.25/wk. Weight gain costs exponentially more than that. It makes financial sense to take a maintenance dose next time around.

After you figure out what's going on with your stomach 😉
Thank you! These drugs have been a great help so I'm glad to be here

I weighed 134lbs on February 2 and I'm 158 as of today. Obviously a lot of that is water weight but I've gained quite a bit - went from having abs visible to being pudgy. I consume around 4000-6000 calories a day when I'm not on a GLP1, sometimes more.

I've never actually used gray market GLP1s, is the thing. All of those were (expensive) private prescriptions. (I use an obese relative's info to acquire the prescriptions, consensually obviously). I would like to switch to gray but I'm still unsure.
I would love to try Retatrutide and/or get cheaper access to Semaglutide/Tirzapetide but I don't trust myself not to fuck up the whole vial/mixing with water/dosing process. And I'd be paranoid about getting a fake product.
So I'll be lurking here and trying to inform myself better before taking that step.

No, they've definitely been weaker each time. Mounjaro wasn't as effective as my first time on Ozempic despite being "stronger" and despite me taking it for longer. But it still worked, and I lost considerable weight in just 2 months once I hit 7.5mg.
(The 3rd time I went on Ozempic, reaching 0.5mg, it had absolutely 0 effect. But it's possible it would have still worked once I got to higher doses).

Yeah, the plan for me right now is to immediately get back on Sema or Tirz (haven't decided yet) when/if my stomach pain gets figured out. Since these drugs affect your GI function I wouldn't want to risk making things worse. Also got to decide whether I'll buy pharma again (expensive) or try a gray market vial.

I am just curious about how much weight we are talking. You're losing "all the weight" in 2-3 months and gaining it "all" back again in about the same time. I've been doing research since Fall and more often than not read that you have to stay on it on a maintenance dose unless you are very strict when coming off.
I keep going back and forth between 130ish-160ish lbs (5'8 male). Around 150-155 I start to look pudgy and clothes become too tight, which depresses me, so I find myself reaching for the weight loss pens again. I am chronically ill and have mental health issues so I can't muster up the motivation to lose weight without drugs doing half the work for me. I don't even care much about my appearance since I'm quite a shut-in - I just physically feel better when I'm below 140lbs, and not eating so much.
Here is the timeline of my use of these drugs:

Ozempic April 2023 - July 2023 (reached 1mg, lost the weight then came off it)

Ozempic again after regaining the weight: Jan 2024 - April 2024 (same thing, reached 1mg, lost the weight then quit)

Ozempic, 3rd time: July 2024 - August 2024 (reached 0.5mg then quit, this time due to financial issues)

Mounjaro October 2024 - Feb 2025 (10mg, lost the weight then quit)

Basically, for almost 2 years now I've been in a cycle of going on a GLP1, losing the weight, quitting the drug, regaining the weight, then going back on a GLP1. Is this safe or could I be causing some harm? I ask because I've developed stomach issues lately and I wonder if the GLP1 use was a factor. I want to go back on Ozempic or Mounjaro now because (surprise) I've gained the weight back again.
In my humble opinion, I don't think cycling on and off Glp-1s is a great idea. Some studies show just the act of yo yo dieting (weight cycling) can increase the risks of type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, high blood pressure, and an increased difficulty to lose weight. And not everyone will have the same stellar results they had initially after stopping and then restarting these peptides.

While some folks will be able to maintain without the continued use of these peps, I believe those are the ones who are overweight because of lifestyle choices alone. But I think the majority of us are suffering from metabolic disorders, and if those aren't being corrected the weight comes back. These peptides don't cure obesity, they correct a hormone deficiency, much like Levothyroxine does for our thyroids. They can only do that with continued use.

My suggestion would be to pick a peptide that is successful for you and stick with it for maintenance. It seams like every other month or so a new benefit of GLP-1s is discovered. Just Google health benefits of GLP-1s, they are amazing. Best wishes, I hope you find what works best for you!

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