i think we're going to see a lot of bad testing in coming months. the whole market is a hot steaming mess right now, if you're in a position to kick back and let it all shake out that is probably the smart move. If you need to buy something, it would be good to avoid "preorders" and group buys, and go through places with a track record of pre-testing that matches up with post-purchase third party testing. "domestic" vendors are also buying from china, where quality is extra hit-and-miss at the moment, you want to find the ones who ship after testing, and who you believe would be honest if they purchased a batch that turned out to be substandard (either selling it with truthful fill/purity figures, or eating the loss and not selling it). might as well let the vendor take the risk of a bad batch insofar as that's possible.
y'all dont see this but I've also noticed a big uptick in the number of random chinese vendors trying to spam the forum. I'm removing 5 or 6 accounts most mornings. I don't know for sure what this means beyond a lot of people trying to make money off of our little corner of the world, but you can make of it what you will.