I’m waiting for a ph tester to be delivered. I understand that the ph of the BAC water could be causing the issue if too high. I’ll be testing these Hospira vials to ensure it’s not that.
I had some pool testing strips lying around, they're super old and well past their listed expiration date but it's something I had on hand, so I gave them a try. I tested them using my tap water, filtered water I use for drinking, and distilled water from a jug I had on hand, using the distilled as a control to check the strips themselves. The distilled water tested neutral across the board, as expected. My filtered water did as well.
I then tested the two BAC water options that I have, drawing out about 3 mL of each into an unused plastic cup. I did similar for the waters above in terms of using a plastic cup. though obviously with them I used a bit more than 3 mL! 3 mL ended up being about enough to submerge the strips so I felt it was enough to use. One tested in what I interpreted as around 6.2, but could be lower (the strip container only shows colorations for some of the increments from 6.2 to 9.0). The other BAC water test, I interpreted it as around 7.5. The 7.5 is the one I've had issues with recently. If I still have the reactions when I use the 6.2, then I guess I'm just an unlucky one and there was a delayed onset. Not even sure it means anything. This is pretty far from scientific, using old pool test strips, but it was interesting to see. Might go buy some new test strips or see if I can find something with higher accuracy.
At the same time, BAC water isn't that expensive in the grand scheme, so I'll probably just do what I planned on doing already: stop using the one that I know I have had issues with. If I have similar issues with the other one, then I'm just unlucky. I'll be getting some Hospira in within the next month or so (not yet ordered but planning to order some), and I'll likely test that once it arrives now just to see.
The most interesting thing was unrelated to peptide anything: my tap water seems to be unusually basic

. Reading it should be 6.5-8.5 or so; it looked to be above 8.5 to me. The water where I live is known to be hard water, but the number I interpreted was very basic. Looks like I'm drinking only filtered water for sure going forward.