Looking for Recommendations: Reliable Suppliers from China

Just wanted to share an update after spending a couple of days on the forum. I've zeroed in on three vendors that seem to be getting the most recommendations:

  1. ASC (Tuk): Their communication has been top-notch, and their prices are pretty attractive. They also guarantee 98% purity, which is reassuring. I'm planning to place an order with them soon and will run some tests once I receive the products.
  2. TCI (April): Also very responsive, and their Certificates of Analysis (COAs) look solid. Their prices are a bit higher than ASC's, but they offer some products that ASC doesn't carry. I'll be ordering from them as well to test out those unique items.
  3. QSC (Tracy): They come highly recommended by many here, and their prices are reasonable. However, while checking their price list, I noticed some COAs that raised concerns about quality. I'm a bit hesitant to proceed with them at this point.
I really appreciate all the shared experiences and insights from this community; they've been incredibly helpful in guiding my decisions.
What’s verdict on amolist again?
When deciding which vendor to use for underground chemicals that you'll be consuming in one manner or another, the only verdict that should matter is the one that you come to after using the search feature and reading obsessively through this and other forums. After all, we all have different levels of risk aversion and tolerance. What is totally fine to one person might freak out the next. Who knows, maybe you don't care that their tirz burns people sometimes. Maybe you do. How will you know enough to make an informed decision if you don't come at it from all angles? Don't blindly trust others' opinions - make your own.

Personally, I chose to go with other suppliers based on the research I did and my own comfort levels. I'm happy with my choices so far.

Good luck, and happy researching!
There are many suppliers in China who deliver high quality products. For someone new to this, I would go with ASC / Tuk. She doesn't have the lowest prices, but offers convenient payment methods and great communication. Keep in mind that purity guarantee is 98% for ASC and they only accept Janoshik test results.
I also second ASC. I just received my first order from them last week (I had been using amo prior to this) and not only did the order arrive in 2 weeks flat (from my first WhatsApp message to Tuk to it literally arriving on my porch), the service was amazingly quick and friendly, and this part is 1,000% anecdotal but the tirz from ASC felt like my first ever shot of tirz. I’m not saying amo is underfilled or that there’s something wrong with their product (hell, I’ve lost 61 pounds with the help of amo), but this week’s shot of ASC tirz was incredibly effective and that was noticeably different than my last month or 2 with amo’s product. Maybe it’s psychological or something lol idk but I’m pleased with my order, I’ll just leave it at that. I’ll definitely order again from ASC in the future, and their pricing has gotten so competitive with the other big players…. that alone is worth it imo.
What’s verdict on amolist again?
Some people won't order from them due to the stinging fiasco around august-september ish. Don't blame them at all. If I would have gotten a stinging batch, i'd probably be in the same boat. I'm not recommending one way or another, just giving my honest feedback on my experience with amo.

My first order from them of T30, it actually gave me an ISR which isnt an uncommon side effect for subq injections, but no other tirz had given me one (Strive & Zepbound). Was still working fine, ISR just weirded me out a bit. I documented it in some threads here if you check my profile.

I messaged Amo and showed them, and they replaced my batch with a new one for free. No issues with the second batch. Great results. They are a little more expensive than most vendors though.
I also second ASC. I just received my first order from them last week (I had been using amo prior to this) and not only did the order arrive in 2 weeks flat (from my first WhatsApp message to Tuk to it literally arriving on my porch), the service was amazingly quick and friendly, and this part is 1,000% anecdotal but the tirz from ASC felt like my first ever shot of tirz. I’m not saying amo is underfilled or that there’s something wrong with their product (hell, I’ve lost 61 pounds with the help of amo), but this week’s shot of ASC tirz was incredibly effective and that was noticeably different than my last month or 2 with amo’s product. Maybe it’s psychological or something lol idk but I’m pleased with my order, I’ll just leave it at that. I’ll definitely order again from ASC in the future, and their pricing has gotten so competitive with the other big players…. that alone is worth it imo.
Can you share your contact with them please. I would like to place an order
Can you share your contact with them please. I would like to place an order

You can find her in her Vendor Connection thread.
Tuk Angel at ASC April at TCI or Ava smith are all great and take Alibaba or PayPal. Delivery is around 3 weeks but service is great.
Nexpah is great and fast if they have what you want.

SRY was fine, Lisa was great, but now with the controversy I would hold off.
The allegations against SRY have already been discredited. But if you don't like them, go with QSC. Or if you're willing to pay a little more but want ordering to be easier, go with https://www.amolist.com/.
The hot pack allegation has been seriously called into question. They are indeed under federal indictment, and the counterfeit postage thing seemed legit. I would steer clear of them personally, doesn’t seem like a computer system you want your name and address in.
Looking at QCS pricing sheet and the COA's the quality is really low - Some peptides are showing 90% purity or less
Posting COAs that show low purity is a double-edged sword as to assessing a vendor. On one hand, you can be critical of the vendor for selling something with low purity. On the other hand, it's impressive that the vendor disclosed the low purity by publishing the COA and not sending in an unrepresentative sample manufactured elsewhere for testing. At least you know before ordering.
This is where you can find the vendors

I wouldn't recommend QSC for the first order. Yes, they are cheap and Tracy's team delivers their orders, but they only take crypto, and communication is lacking.

SRY has been indicted by DOJ for attempted sale of opioids stronger than fentanyl. That's enough for me to not recommend them.
Having taken fentanyl, I know anything stronger than that is terrifying.

After a surgery, I was connected in the hospital to a fentanyl pump. I felt way too drugged.

In contrast, after my next surgery, I work up connected to the morphine pump. That felt great. I couldn't speak because it hurt too much because the doctor had scraped cancer off my vocal cords. (I'm fine now.) That didn't matter: I still felt great. I could see myself getting addicted to the morphine. Since those two incidents, both of which happened about 15 years ago, I haven't taken any opioids. But the morphine is scary for a different reason--I liked it way too much.
The hot pack allegation has been seriously called into question. They are indeed under federal indictment, and the counterfeit postage thing seemed legit. I would steer clear of them personally, doesn’t seem like a computer system you want your name and address in.
Steer clear of which ones? Amo?
I think I'm just gonna stop mentioning vendors lol, it's like a malediction each time I mention one 24h after they get cancelled 😂

GYC = cancelled
M-Science = cancelled
LSPL = not yet, but they sent my shipment through DHL so we shall see aha
QSC (Tracy - Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd ) if you are patient and accept so so communications. If you wait for a group buy (just a plain sale), you can save 25-40%. Jano reports avail. for most products. I use bank transfer to their US bank. I find ASC ( Angel Shanghai Chem (ASC) as good, a bit pricier than QSC but better communications. Need to ask for Jano report. I use Paypal, which has a trans. fee, but I get quick order confirmation. Use the China time zone to your advantage. Search this forum, under vendors, for their Discord, Pepchat or Telegram link.
So many questions…..

Why did you post this 5x?
Why are random things in bold?
How could you tell the items were counterfeit just from looking at them?
Who did the lab testing? Unless you post lab results everyone will assume you’re lying.

Here’s what I think actually happened. You confused their stealth packaging as being “counterfeit” and the professionals who did the test didn’t actually produce a result because they just looked at it without doing an analytical test. They correctly laughed at you for being an idiot and not doing research and blocked you because you are a legal liability.
The lab testing was done in London, UK, by a certified facility, so don’t act like you know better. If you don’t believe me, that’s your problem. You’re free to waste your money and place an order with LSPL to see for yourself. But don’t come crying when you get scammed, just like I did.

You’re sitting here making baseless assumptions while I’ve provided clear facts:

  • The products were counterfeit—completely unusable, with tablets crumbling apart and bottles obviously fake.
  • 90% of the items were dyed water, confirmed by actual lab testing, not just my observation.
  • LSPL mocked me when I asked for a refund, stole their “testing certificate” from another company, and blocked me when I tried to follow up.
If you’re so convinced you know best, put your own money on the line and prove it. Until then, stop defending a scam company and questioning someone who’s already been ripped off. I’m here to warn others—if you don’t want to listen, that’s your choice. But don’t expect sympathy when it happens to you.
Post lab results if it was done by an actual lab!

You again make the claim they are counterfeit without saying how you know, there is no way to visually identify if one white powder is different from another unless the physical properties are different. With the exception of a few peptides they all look identical. Everyone here that knows me knows I always call out companies for bad practices but it has to be proven. If someone is coming on here and making claims with no proof then nobody will take you seriously.
The lab testing was done in London, UK, by a certified facility, so don’t act like you know better. If you don’t believe me, that’s your problem. You’re free to waste your money and place an order with LSPL to see for yourself. But don’t come crying when you get scammed, just like I did.

You’re sitting here making baseless assumptions while I’ve provided clear facts:

  • The products were counterfeit—completely unusable, with tablets crumbling apart and bottles obviously fake.
  • 90% of the items were dyed water, confirmed by actual lab testing, not just my observation.
  • LSPL mocked me when I asked for a refund, stole their “testing certificate” from another company, and blocked me when I tried to follow up.
If you’re so convinced you know best, put your own money on the line and prove it. Until then, stop defending a scam company and questioning someone who’s already been ripped off. I’m here to warn others—if you don’t want to listen, that’s your choice. But don’t expect sympathy when it happens to you.
Do you have the COAs to post?

I’ve heard mixed things about this vendor but you’re the first person to claim it’s all bad. Just wondering if we can look at the results and you can post specifically what you bought from them.

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